Mon Jun 20, 2005

What do I know?

My friend, Gayle helped me realize that I’m not knitting the Shoalwater Shawl with Silk Garden, I’m knitting it with Kureyon. I’m losing my mind, obviously. I’m still not completely decided on what to do with it. Right now, I’m thinking that I might put her back on the needles and see it through.

BUT, I have yet another new project to show you. This one is for Veronica…


It’s in the back of the Summer 2003 Issue of Interweave Knits that also has the fabulous man-cardigan I want to knit for Nate. Here’s my swatch…


It’s not the best picture. The color is an amazing blue/lavender and it is Lamb’s Pride. The fronts and back are knit in one piece and the sleeves are knit separately then seamed. I’m 3 inches up the main body right now.

It’s looking to be a completely glorious day. It’s already warm and fragrant outside. It’s also the first “official” day of Summer Vacation. I’m not quite sure yet what the day is going to hold for us, other than laundry. And lots of it.

No Responses to “What do I know?”

  1. Jenny Says:

    I’m betting that my laundry is worse than yours, haha! I am into washing clothes that have not been worn in eons, so they are dusty. I forgot to don my mask before I started that chore, so I had to take a break and use my inhaler. Sigh. Oh well, now I can wear my face mask while I am knitting a dusty project! Last fall, I abandoned a tank top to do winter knitting. But I never put the tank top away, and it is full of dust. I wish there was a way to balance my longing to be creative, and still have a clean home. I used to be better, but then I learned how to get on the computer……….
    That top will be so cute for Veronica. I bet she can’t wait for it!

  2. Gina Says:

    I adore that baby kimono. I can’t wait to see your finished version.

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    That will be adorable and I LOVE that color in Lamb’s Pride!

    Jenny, when you figure it out, please let me know!!!! Also, for great masks, try they are way better than the ones you get at the hardware or grocery store for what we need!

  4. Katie Says:

    That kimono is going to be so cute! It was gorgeous outside today, wasn’t it?

  5. lynette Says:

    that’s very nice! i have to look thru my old issues to find that pattern.

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