Thu Jun 23, 2005

Yesterday was expensive

I was gone the whole FREAKING day yesterday. Twelve hours of running around. Lots and lots and lots of money was spent. (Don’t ask me how, because in my opinion, that means we actually had to have the lots and lots of money… but now I’m being technical). Anyway, want to see what we were doing?




The top two are prescription. My question is this…. How in the heck am I supposed to take pictures? I’m going to have to re-learn how to photograph my children because now they have glasses. But more importantly, they now REFLECT!!!!!!


Aaaggggh! As if it wasn’t hard enough to catch the wiggle monkeys in the right moment for a good shot, now I have to deal with reflection! I am going to pout and whine for a very, very long time.

In knitting news, I’ve decided to continue the Shoalwater Shawl in Noro’s Kureyon. What the heck. And I still intend to make one similar to the photo on the pattern someday. But now, I need to try and get my stuff together to go the Black Sheep Gathering. I leave before the birds in the morning.

6 Responses to “Yesterday was expensive”

  1. Niter (Anita) Says:

    At least they have the most adorable glasses! And each their own style! I love ’em.

    Sigh, I should learn how to photograph glasses too…I have a feeling any little ones of mine will not take after me and we will most likely end up in the (foriegn to me) world of glasses and braces, etc.

    Oh so cute pictures!!! I think you did a great job!

  2. Liz Says:

    SO cute!!

  3. darra Says:

    Love the glasses. You have some beautiful kiddos!

    Tip for the reflections…try to shoot from a slight angle…the flash will bounce off at an angle instead of straight back at the camera.

  4. Katie Says:

    Alas… The picture glare on glasses problem… I tend to spend the extra money on the non-reflective coating and that helps a lot. But, since it’s kind of silly to do that with kid glasses… after all, they do get scratched, sat on, lost, or whatever… I would either shoot at an angle or remove them. I still remove mine for formal portraits because it drives me crazy when I spend all that money and can’t see my eyes behind the glare…

  5. Barbara Says:

    Your girls are so cute. The glasses become them! I have an appointment for optm. this afternoon with 12 y/o Daniel – maybe next week I also have to spends lots and lots of money

  6. Dani Says:

    The girls look so much more like you with glasses. They are adorable!

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