Thu Jun 30, 2005

It’s bigger. No really, it is.


It may not look like much progress since my last photo, but it’s bigger. I’m still alternating between knitting the shawl and reading about loom warping. Today, I’m taking the kids to the park, and will hopefully get in a lot of good knitting time then.

Yesterday was good, ’til about 4:30 in the afternoon when the late night before finally caught up with me. I was too tired to do anything, and after dinner was heading to bed when there was a knock at the door. I’ll skip the in-between and just say that we didn’t end up getting to bed early. So I slept in this morning and didn’t wake up until, well, ’til about now.

No Responses to “It’s bigger. No really, it is.”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Such pretty colors!!
    I’m getting a little knitting in, but what I am really working on is getting all of my knitting books and magazines in one spot so I can see what I have! I’ve always had everything scattered around the house so that the husband wouldn’t see it all together, haha! I’ve been getting to bed later than usual, since now my youngest works in the evening, and needs a ride home. But, the parking lot is so well lit that I can knit while I wait on him.

  2. Kirsten Says:

    That is one seriously fabulous looking shawl. The colors are awesome! I am a night owl and on those nights when I stay up waaaay too late and I struggle out of bed (when our little guy wakes up at 5:30) my husband always asks “Why do you do this to yourself???! I never seem to learn though…….I’m glad you got to sleep in…

  3. ~drew~ Says:

    I really like those colors! Wow!

    Btw, I finished a second Cable-eight Top. A lady like the first one so much that she commissioned me to make her one in cotton fleece. 🙂

  4. Elspeth Says:

    Good luck at the park! I got some park knitting time today and more yesterday. It’s so nice to be able to get both things done at once (knitting and getting the kids out).

  5. jackie o Says:

    The shawl is going to be beautiful. I love the colors. they are so deep and rich. Where is the pattern from? I am currently knitting on a shawl with a lace edging. I am knitting it out of a pale blue alpaca it is so very soft. Enjoy your day it will be fun filled.

  6. Diane Says:

    I vote for the Jaded Dreams. However, I don’t know what you’re planning to wear this with, which might make a difference.

    What are you knitting the main part of the shawl with? (Please pretend that I used proper English in the previous sentence. I KNOW it shouldn’t end with “with.”

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