Sat Jul 9, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 5

Hi! We just got back from a great BBQ picnic in the park, and I played Ultimate Frisbee for the first time! I’m so excited. In the past, I never would have played because I was afraid of messing up for my team, or just being pathetic. Since I gained weight, I’ve been even more self conscious. But today I decided to jump in and participate. I was the only girl on the team. They actually passed to me! And I ran, barefoot, in the grass for 30-45 minutes. So there’s my exercise for the day. And I couldn’t be happier. SO….

Monday- was the end of my girls’ weekend away, and then straight on to a 4th of July BBQ, so there was nothing admirable to report.
Tuesday- I did 50 minutes of treadmill and PT.
Wednesday- was the same.
Thursday- the same again.
Friday- I did upper body weights and PT. My pecs hurt, and I love it.
Today, as you know, I worked it playing frisbee.

I’m ignoring the scale. On the whole the past few weeks, I’ve eaten really well, but this last weekend away, well, we ate. A lot. I gained 7 pounds in two days. I’m puffy. And then last night, to celebrate my last Finchy Friday, I brought food. Brie, crackers, basil/pasta salad, salami and a sourdough baguette, fresh basil from my “deck garden”, havarti, donut holes and sparkling cider. So, I’m still puffy. I have my work cut out for me, but for the most part, I’m doing really well.

I’m loving the wheatgrass juice. I’m up to 2 oz, twice a day, and I intend to bump it up in a week or so. I feel so invigorated in a mellow, soothing way. It sounds weird, but that’s how it feels to drink the stuff. I actually crave it. This doesn’t mean I like it. It’s still way weird, but I like what it does to me.

How’s it going out there? Our own FYRKRKR (aka Gayle) is doing very well. She has been doing PT exercises, and water aerobics 3x a week, and has dropped another pant size. Way to go, Gayle!

No Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 5”

  1. Katie Says:

    Yay, Gayle! She looks great! I was so bummed driving home last night knowing it was my last Finchy Friday… Oh well, I know we’ll hook up some other way to knit once again. The pics turned out so cute – I’ll have to send them to you once I upload them.
    As for exercise, I’ve been not feeling great all week so I took that opportunity to be lazy and not do any. Not a good choice, especially since I’ve been eating way too much lately. I’m looking to next week with high hopes for improvement. 🙂

  2. Dani Says:

    The only good thing I can report is that, after posting on my blog this morning, I may have convinced the hubby to clean out the cabinets. In addition to our own weight, my man has become rather worried about my eldest daughter’s weight. She isn’t quite overweight but she is on the borderline and I think that is only because she has inherited our height (she is almost 5’8″ and she is only 12!). We also have a rather pudgy 8 yo. I told him that the best thing for all of us would be to eliminate all unhealthy choices from the house until we can get a handle on portion sizes. Here’s hoping he bought it!

  3. Jenny Says:

    Yeah Gayle!!
    I lost another two pounds this week. One more to go before my first goal of 25 pounds. So far, my husband doesn’t seem to notice the weight loss!! He notices something, and has said “Is that my shirt you’re wearing?”, and “Have you gotten shorter?” I have not done much in the exercise department of late. I used to have most of my asthma trouble in the cold weather, but have now been having trouble the past couple of weeks, and am on a new second inhaler. So, I’ve been sitting and knitting and breathing!!I hope to get it under control soon, because I am feeling antsy and stiff from not moving much.

  4. Kristel Says:

    Go Gayle!

    I’ve lost about a pound again this week, and today I noticed that a dress that was a bit on the small side last summer fit me perfectly.

    That’s the good news. The bad is we had a candy day gone reaaaally bad yesterday, as we had visitors, and I ate not only candy and cake but also all sorts of salty-fatty goodies like cheese and pastries. Now I’ll have to try to behave extra well next week.

  5. Elspeth Says:

    Laura, I wouldn’t have believed you could gain 7 lbs in 2 days, but I just weighed in at WW and somehow I have gained 4.5 lbs in the past 2 mos! And I have been going to the gym! This sucks. Anyway, we’re all getting healthier, right? My husband can be supportive but today he goes “Well, you said you thought you had gained weight …”

    Good luck for the week!

  6. FYRKRKR Says:

    Gee whiz guys, thanks. I was going to just post that I had been trying really hard, doing PT and water aerobics, and I had noticed some changes, but now I am BLUSHING!!! This is a really great feeling.

    Thanks Julie, for the new swim suit. I am very grateful.

    Something amazed me today. I got on the treadmill at PT and did 20 minutes. Holy cow. When he started me on it a few weeks ago, I said, “5 minutes!! I’ll die if I do five minutes!” I do find interestind ways to stay entertained while doing it. So far, 2 ladies who work there, both named Lisa, want me to teach them how to knit. How fun.

    I got some boxes moved out of my workout space this weekend so I hope to be back to my YBB tomorrow and add that into my weekly routines.

    Jenny, my asthma has kicked up the past few weeks, too. I think it is the pollen. Hang in there and carry an inhaler.

    Perhaps next week I will feel like weighing. Just going down a jeans size was good enough for me this week.

    And remember, if you are going to the gym, Elspeth, you could easily gain 4.5 lbs of muscle in 2 months, plus offsetting any weight loss you had. That isn’t a bad thing, I think.

    Thanks for the encouragement!!!!

  7. Amy Lu Says:

    Congrats Gayle! And Jenny!

    I am thrilled that I fit into a size lower pants today. Mind you, I only “grew” out of them a month or two ago, but I am so glad to be back in sizes beginning with a number 1! Now my next goal is to get into a single digit size! Bring on the salads!

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