Sat Aug 13, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 10

Good morning! How was your week? I’m trying to remember how mine was. I know I did full body weights and PT on Tuesday. I’m trying to remember why I didn’t do more, and I can’t. Other than getting ready for the trip on Wednesday and Thursday morning. Yesterday we walked down to the beach and back up the big hill, which could be called a mountain. I don’t know how long it takes, but it certainly gets the heart rate up. I’m eating well. And it looks like I’ve lost a couple pounds, though there’s no scale here to give an official weight.

I’ve been drinking lot more water, and am still thirsty a lot. Today, I think Nate wants to revisit A&W Rootbeer for floats and onion rings like we did back in April. So that’s going to be a calorie-fest.

5 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 10”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    Enjoy vacation! A little R&R is good for the soul. Any floats and fries you might indulge in will surely be walked off by that “mountain” walk you’re doing!!!

    I swam 2 days this week (missing one class due to migraine that kept me in bed for nearly 48 hours) but after class yesterday the lifeguard came up to me and commented on how hard I was “going for it” in the workout. She said it was nice to see someone out there really giving it their all and getting into it. She also teaches swimming lessons there, so I might see about that.

    Have a great week!!!

  2. Kristel Says:

    Hope you’re having fun on your vacation! Sounds like you are. 🙂

    I reached my first goal of losing 10 kg! Now I’ve updated my goal to 20 kg, though I should perhaps think of smaller steps at the time. We’ll see.

    Today has been candy day, and I might have overdone it a bit on the chocolate-y part. Overdone much, actually. But I’ll do better tomorrow.

  3. Dani Says:

    Well, I survived my first full day of WW yesterday but I am struggling today. Being alone in the house is difficult. Everything I do to relax involves food. I eat while watching TV, playing on the computer, or reading. Starting any of these activities triggers something in my brain that says, “Time for a snack!” This is going to be a long weekend.

  4. Katie Says:

    Ooh, a rootbeer float sounds wonderful… We are all sugared out today from having cake and ice cream. (It was Jamie’s 1st birthday!) No exercise today either, but I did go to the gym twice this week which was very good. And I just went on a power walk pushing two cranky boys in a stroller in the hot sun. That counts, doesn’t it?

  5. Jenny Says:

    No progress again this week. I guess I have reached a plateau! Oh well, I know that my cousin has hit plateaus every now and again.
    I know what Dani is talking about with triggers!
    I quit smoking ten years ago, but there are still situations that make me want a cigarette! It took a long time for the ring of the telephone not to be a trigger for wanting a cigarette. Same thing with eating. Sometimes I will be fine, and all someone has to do is say a word to me that triggers a food desire!! I saw a photo of marshmallow fluff on a blog last week, and I wanted some!!!!

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