Mon Sep 19, 2005

Hey, hey, hey!

Look who’s up! And for the moment, I feel fine! This is so weird. Yesterday was one of my worst days, and here I am, bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6 o’clock in the morning!

Like I said, yesterday was one of my worst days. The first half was normal, even good, but once the afternoon hit, it was a rapid downhill slide until I finally passed out in bed. My sweet mother-in-law came by to pick up the wardrobe that is FINALLY out of my living room!!! She came early (before the men/muscle arrived) and brought dinner and dessert, cleaned my kitchen and one of the bathrooms, helped Abby with her homework, and then cleaned up everything after dinner as well. That was nice! And I needed it more that I would have guessed, considering how rotten I felt.

So I didn’t even THINK about knitting yesterday. But I have something fun to show you, if you’re interested. There’s a new goldfish auction on my favorite goldfish website. They haven’t had an auction for a long time, so I was very excited, and as usual, they’re going fast. Of course, I can’t afford them, but I never tire of looking.

The funny thing about fancy goldfish is that many of them are really grotesque. There’s only a few that catch my fancy, and some of the fish in this auction have caught it.

Lot 4 is cute, despite being incredibly expensive, and I have no doubt that Nate would hate it. (He thinks that most of the fancies are ridiculous looking, and every time I show him one of the calicos like this one, he is incredulous and amused.

Lot 14 is stunning, and would match Bridget (my little pearlscale) very nicely. I’ve always liked the chocolate color of goldfish, even though it really is the same color as the brown algae that grows in my tank, which isn’t pretty.

Finally, Lot 19. He’s goofy looking, and he looks a bit “rough”, but I think he’s cute in a weird way. The sort of “pinch-your-cheeks” kind of cute, you know?

Well, here’s hoping my health will last today. Unfortunately, I don’t have much hope, but at least I’m having a good morning, so far.

8 Responses to “Hey, hey, hey!”

  1. hayden Says:

    awww, has “[hope> forsaken these lands”?

    yes, that is from The Two Towers!

    anyways, I’m glad that you’re feeling good today. That’s great. Glad the wardrobe went too. Who got it?

  2. Laura Says:

    My mother-in-law took it.

  3. Jenn Says:

    Aww…you have a greeat MIL!

    Hope you feel better!

  4. Patti Says:

    I never even knew there was a goldfish site! Now I’m coveting them, too! They’ve even named the, how adorable! I love Lot 14, too, he’s VERY handsome. The last thing I need is one more responsibility, but WOW.

    Glad you are feeling good today!

  5. Niki Says:

    Oh my goodness…I didn’t realize goldfish could be so expensive! I also think #19 is kind of cute 😉

  6. Laura Says:

    Yeah, and then you add $50 just to SHIP them. Not cheap. The sad thing is that it is SO HARD to find decent goldfish in a pet store. I have literally spent months stalking the best fish store I’ve found. Every Friday after they’d received their shipments I’d go and look, only to be disappointed. It’s hard finding a pretty goldfish that isn’t deformed or horribly ordinary.

  7. meg Says:

    Glad you are feeling better for now (don’t want to jinx you, right?) and those goldfish are amazing! We are down to one incredibly interbred silver molly and an algae eater – but with a move in less than a year, it seems silly to get new fish now.

    hope you aren’t green this afternoon!

  8. yuvee Says:

    Lot 19 is so cute!! And yeah, I know that fish can be really expensive, my dad used to spend thousands on them.
    Anyway, glad to hear that you’re feeling better, and your MIL is superb!!

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