Wed Oct 26, 2005

Haven’t we seen this already?


Well, not this exactly, but, it IS the VCC blocking. Again. Although this time, I seamed up as much as I could first. It kind of looks like a sweater with four arms, doesn’t it?

And here is why I’m dumb.

So, I’m looking at my little bathroom sink yesterday, wondering if I can fit the whole sweater in it to soak. I managed to cram the whole thing in, but it was tight. After it had a good soak, I wondered how I was going to get the water out. So I squeeze it out over the sink, which did practically nothing. Then I put it in the bathtub and walked on it. Also did nothing. Then it occurs to me to spin it in my washing machine. And as I’m running through my house, dripping much water all over the floor in the process, it strikes me that I could have done the whole stupid thing in the washing machine. I could have soaked it, and spun it dry without soaking myself, or my floors. I’m an idiot.

To add to my insult, after spinning the water out, it dried faster than anything else I’ve blocked.

Take a note, use the freaking washing machine to block stuff.

(Now, in my defense, I must say that most everything I’ve blocked to this point was significantly smaller than an already seamed sweater, so sink soaking and rolling in towels has worked well, but still, I felt stupid).

Hayden and I met at the new theater mansion in Alderwood last night and watched Elizabethtown. And I really enjoyed it. Not because I’m particularly partial to Orlando Bloom, although it helped, but it was a really neat movie. Now I’m annoyed with all the critics that gave it bad reviews. Yes, it is very slow moving, but I think it had to be to convey what it’s trying to convey. It’s a real-life kind of movie, and the main character had a lot of life discovery to do. If they had rushed through it, his transformation would have seemed forced and unrealistic.

(Like in most other movies, that leave me thinking that in a month or so, after the novelty of whatever “big event” that has changed their life wears off, the loser will be back to their old tricks). When Elizabethtown ended last night, I believed that Drew legitimately had a bright, new life ahead of him.

Additionally, I liked the fact that I didn’t bawl. I’m a crier, and I HATE it! So while I shed a few tears last night, it didn’t make me actually cry. I appreciated that. The only think I didn’t like was a very crass comment that Susan Sarandon’s character made during her memorial monologue. And she had to repeat it about 4 times. Whatever.

I found Elizabethtown very moving, in a warm way, and fully recommend it, so long as you go into it knowing that it’s long and slow.

Today, I’m going to knit some more on the filler panels for the VCC, so I can hopefully finish it up and start wearing it soon. There are still a zillion ends to weave it, and I need to find a two-way zipper.

Then, I’ll be asking you all how in the heck I sew a zipper into a sweater.

8 Responses to “Haven’t we seen this already?”

  1. Deanna Says:

    VCC looks beautiful and I like your idea about filler panels.
    I haven’t finished my Ribby Cardi yet, but many people in the KAL ordered separating zippers from, though their 2 way looks kind of heavy.
    Also, Bonne Marie’s zipper tutorial on ChicKnits looks pretty easy to understand.

  2. Rebekkah Says:

    I love the photo! Though it makes me nervous about knitting it, now that I see what percentage of it is ribbing. It might make me go crazy. 🙂

    I’m all over the washing machine soak/spin thing. It’s MAGIC!

  3. Katie Says:

    Ok, so all the blocking I’ve done was by pinning it down and spraying the piece with a spray bottle – just enough to get it wet. Am I a complete moron, or is that just a different way of doing it? I do use the spin cycle to get most of the moisture out of a felted piece though.

  4. hayden Says:

    Woot! The VCC is lookin good!! I have no tips to give, because 1) I don’t have a washer/dryer and 2) I’ve never sewn a zipper in. But I had an excellent time last night too and I can’t wait to watch the featurettes that will be on the dvd.
    Now, important question…when did you eat the leftovers?

  5. Robyn Says:

    Wow, that looks great! Don’t feel silly about the whole washing machine thing. I just had a realization a week ago that the stitch counter I use actually fits on the knitting needle so I won’t lose the thing!
    Anyway, I might have to check out Elizabethtown, but we wait until it come out on video.

  6. Laura Says:

    Rebekkah- You could always alter it. And it’s 3×3 ribbing, which is better than 1×1 or something.

    Hayden- Hahaha. I started on them at 10:15 this morning, and thought of you!

  7. Gina Says:

    It looks gorgeous all splayed out on the floor. I can’t wait to see it all sewn up and being worn. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

  8. Deanna Says:

    I knew I had seen a zipper tutorial in another place!

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