Sat Oct 29, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 21

I’m not miserable today! This is very exciting. I haven’t eaten very much, and that might be part of it. Eating always makes things worse.

I didn’t get out into my garage to exercise this week. I’m still optimistic that I can get out there today. And hopefully at least a couple times next week.

Pregnant weight so far… 230. I think that’s the same as last week? Cool. My tummy is big enough now that when Nate hugs me, I can feel it getting smooshed. I’m really digging that. It’s fun.

Another thing that’s fun is the pretty bracelet and earrings I have on. My sister-in-law had a Cookie Lee Jewelry party at her house last night, and another sister-in-law and I drove down together. I wasn’t expecting to buy anything, but I’m a sucker for things that sparkle, and Nate gave me a budget, so I came home with some pretties! And silly as it is, it makes me happy! Which is probably why I sound so chipper.

How are you?

2 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 21”

  1. Jenny Says:

    I am pokey with the comments, as I have been, lately. But….this weekend I got in a different kind of exercise….I helped my husband shovel and move 12 tons of topsoil!!
    That is my exercise for the weekend!! Haven’t been on the treadmill lately….it’s kinda one of those things I leave til last, and often doesn’t happen. I am still hovering just under the 40 pound mark. I was doomed to be on a plateau once I discovered that cute little farmer and his wonderful apple cidar, maple syrup and honey. Oh well. I am thinking that I will be hitting the treadmill more often with the colder weather. A trip on the treadmill is just the thing for a quick afternoon warm-up, since this winter heating costs will be up.

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    Stuck in the rut, but plowing ahead firm in belief that soon I will jump out of the rut on th losing side again!

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