Thu Nov 3, 2005

Nightmare on My Street

The VCC will NOT win. It is giving me what-for, and I’m not gonna take it. The filler panel idea, while apparently imperfect, WILL prevail!

I’m having some trouble, can you tell? The problem is, I’m not sure exactly how to fix it. I’m seaming here, seaming there, staring at the mirror. Fortunately, I listened to my inner voice and stopped knitting on the second filler panel, so I could sew in the first one to see if it was even going to work. Now that I know it isn’t, I have saved myself about 25 inches of filler panel knitting that would have gone wasted. This is good.

I know I’m being somewhat cryptic, but trust me, the whole dilemma isn’t interesting enough for me to want to type out, or for you to want to read.

I finished the fingerless mitts yesterday, but didn’t get a picture before nightfall when my friend came to pick them up for her husband, so we had to take some flash pictures which always suck. My friend said that her husband is enjoying his hat, but is still very cold, so I’m glad I made the mitts. I hope they work out.



Nate had a good birthday yesterday. I think. It was really low-key, which is what he said he wanted. I have a hard time understanding that. I like the Big Bang birthdays, myself.

Here’s a picture of Nate, Olivia, and Veronica at our favorite Thai Food restaurant last night.


My little camera is so cool. It was really dark in there. The shutter speed registered at 1/3 of a second, with red “warning” lights flashing at me, and yet, I still got a decent picture.

6 Responses to “Nightmare on My Street”

  1. hayden Says:

    Defeat the VCC! That’s right, don’t let your knits tell you what to do! And again, a HappyBirthday to Nate.

    Yummy Thai…some co-workers just got that for lunch.

  2. Tammie Says:

    If I said it once I’ll say it 1000 more times, you have the cutest girls!
    **haven’t heard much about the pregnancy lately, hope all is well. Take Care.

  3. Jenn Says:

    Gooduck with the VCC, you will prevail!
    The fingerless gloves look great! And what I cute picture of Nate and the kids!

  4. Jenny Says:

    EZ always said that you are the boss of your knitting, so give it whatfor!!
    The gift hat and fingerless mitts both look great! I’m sure they will give your friend’s husband much-needed warmth, of body and heart. I’m curious….what exactly do your kids eat at the Thai restaurant???

  5. Laura Says:

    The kids shared half of a BBQ’d chicken with sweet sauce, and white rice. It went over very well. We’ve had difficulty with different entrees in the past, but last night, we told them that it was dad’s night, and they couldn’t complain. I think we’ll do the chicken again.

  6. Mom Says:

    I just thought of something that would make your friend’s husband very warm…thought of it as it all of a sudden got very cold here in central Oregon. I have what amounts to a cowl neck fuzzy fleece thing I pull over my head and it keeps my neck very warm. Having learned when I was selling cars in the cold, if I keep the back of my neck warm, it makes a huge difference. You could knit one, just a larger tub just big enough to pull over one’s head…..he’d absolutely love it and be amazed at the difference….he’d be warm.
    love ya

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