Fri Nov 11, 2005

Very, very pretty in red

I love this hat!


It is fast, it is easy, it is gorgeous…. And it looks incredibly rich and festive in red! All three of the Esther Williams hats I have knit so far, (red included) have been knit with Lamb’s Pride. I know that some of you will knit it with something else, (and I did have the thought that if I were a good little pattern writer, I’d do one in another worsted weight yarn, just to see how it’d go), but I love how it looks in Lamb’s Pride. I like the single ply, the slight sheen, and the mohair fuzziness. It’s just SO pretty, that I haven’t wanted to use anything else. This one is being knit with their Raspberry color. The pink one is Victorian Pink, and the white one, I don’t remember the name of, but it’s still Lamb’s Pride.

I’m two decrease rounds into the red one so far, and I might flip-flop a couple rounds just to see what happens. My friend Gayle couldn’t come over yesterday, but I’m hoping that sometime over the weekend, we’ll get the crochet worked out. I am traditionally very anti-crochet, but I am growing up a bit, and I realize that it has its place. The edge of my Esther Williams hat is one of them.

Thank you all for your comments yesterday. I enjoyed them. There were some inquiries about names, and we do have one boy name, and one girl name that we are very attached to. That being said, I must also say that things can always change at the hospital once we meet the little one, so nothing is in stone. The name Veronica, for example, was low on the list when we had her, and had been crossed off at some point in the elimination process. But there was no question when she came out what her name needed to be.

Our boy name is Clark, and has been for years. We are still hashing out middle names.

Our girl name is Bronwyn, despite the fact that my mom hates it. It has been high on the list with all of our girls, but we haven’t birthed a Bronwyn yet. I feel confident we will get her at some point. It feels inevitable to me.

16 Responses to “Very, very pretty in red”

  1. Jenn Says:

    As I thought, the red is gorgeous! I really have to make one now! I can’t wait!

    I love those names too. I like the girl name, it’s nice and unique!:)

  2. Jenny Says:

    MmmmmmMMMmm!!!!! That red hat is just gorgeous!!!Such a very pretty design you have there!!!
    Naming babies is such fun! Uh, that is, if your partner is co-operative, haha! My two youngest boys have the same middle name, which is the same as my husband’s first name. We argued names right down to the delivery. When the two youngest were little, they thought that MY middle name MUST BE the same as theirs! I have a ‘leftover” boys name that I liked alot. I unofficially tacked it onto my oldest son’s name.
    I have crocheted more years than I have knit, but boy, buddy, when that knitting bug bit me, there was no looking back!

  3. Tammie Says:

    How much yarn does it take? I have some Lamb’s Pride in my stash. Also where can I find the pattern?

  4. hayden Says:

    Clark. Very solid, All-American name. Heh. Clark. Clark A****. (in case you haven’t released your last name to the world wide web…)
    How are you feeling now? And the hat. Lovely.

  5. Mom Says:

    OK…’s gotta have one of those hats, after all, I’m closest to Ester’s age.
    Love ya

  6. Kristel Says:

    Bronwyn! I want a Bronwyn too! Too bad my husband doesn’t approve of very non-Finnish names. ;D

  7. Katie Says:

    I love both those names! I would probably have chose Clark for one of my sons if my married name wasn’t Kent. 🙂 I also have Lamb’s Pride in my stash – when are you going to post that pattern?

  8. Robyn Says:

    Love the hat! And I think Bronwyn is a winner. It has a nice feel to it.

  9. Kat Says:

    Clark – excellent boy name. Bronwyn – Love it.

    Can’t wait for the hat pattern. Lamb’s Pride is quickly becoming by staple yarn. Great colors, great stitch definition, great felting, hard-wearing and economical, it’s hard to beat for certain projects.

  10. Janell Says:

    Clark Adams. Very strong name. Destined to be an explorer or Senator.

  11. Jennifer Says:

    I love the name Bronwyn. I say go for it even if other members of the family aren’t thrilled with it. We named our daughter Clarice. It wasn’t popular. However, once she was born and such a Clarice, the family came around, and now say it’s a fabulous name.

  12. Cathy Says:

    The hat is GORGEOUS – I’m not normally a “red” person, but THAT is a perfect color for that pattern, great job and so quick too!
    Your names are wonderful – and you are very right, you just can’t be SURE until you meet the new little one. So exciting!

  13. Jessica Says:

    I’ve loved the name Bronwyn ever since reading “How Green Was My Valley” in 7th grade.

  14. Monica Says:

    love the hat! I enjoy reading about and seeing your projects as I don’t have much time to knit these days with 6 kids -2 in diapers, homeschooling 3 and remodeling the kitchen (ourselves).

    Now I’m going to have to reread ‘how green was my valley.

  15. rita Says:

    I found your site through another knitting blog, and I just love that red hat! I’ll check back often to see if you’ve posted the pattern. I’m itching to make it!

  16. FYRKRKR Says:

    My vote is for ” Kent”

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