Mon Nov 28, 2005

20 things about me

I was “tagged” a week or so ago by Lynn, and I’m afraid time got away from me. So, I’m finally getting to it. I haven’t spent a lot of time on this, so this is in no way in order of importance.

1. I love animals, and have owned almost everything at one point.

2. Considering the above, I can say honestly that I hate cats.

3. I LOVE the Beatles. And like SOME people I know, I too scoffed and scorned until I actually heard them. Of course, I was still a teenager at the time.

4. I continue to be hopelessly in love with my husband, and I still get giddy when I hear his voice on the phone.

5. I am Mormon.

6. The actual name of my church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

7. My gorgeous and talented sister is in Texas pursuing her music career. When she is famous, it will amuse me not to tell you her name. Besides, if I ‘fessed up, it’d crash my server.

8. I used to be horribly shy. I’m not afraid of people anymore, but I still have some ingrained physical responses that frustrate me when I’m speaking in front of people. Mainly I talk too fast and don’t take time to breathe.

9. However, I still have some insecurities. Like, I tend to think that people I barely know but have to interact with are mad at me. It makes no sense.

10. I met Nate when I was 15.

11. His parents had no idea who I was until a month before we were engaged, when I was 18. They completely flipped out. My mother-in-law started to cry, and my father-in-law went into a lecture about how you can always “get out of it” until you’re actually married. They have been completely horrified by their behavior ever since, and have apologized.

12. I absolutely adore my in-laws.

13. I love gardening, and totally suck at it.

14. As I’m typing this, I’m finding that I’m not very interesting.

15. I love to entertain and throw parties.

16. Playing with my kids doesn’t come natural to me. I have to try really hard. I’ve learned a lot from my girlfriends about parenting.

17. I didn’t know until my 3rd child that babies like to be swaddled. Now I’m thinking that Abby didn’t in fact have colic, but would have stopped crying if I’d bundled her. This annoys me.

18. I am sad that my girls can’t help me in the kitchen because it is too small. They ask to help all the time.

19. I used to have no hobbies at all. Then I had tons and tons of them. Then I started knitting and the rest fell by the way.

20. I worry that I’ll go blind someday.

Hmmm. I think this post is long enough. I have some festive photos to show you of the Interlocking Balloons Scarf. I’m 10 rows into the 8th repeat, and am still paranoid that it isn’t going to block nicely. But that can wait ’til tomorrow.

No Responses to “20 things about me”

  1. Shelley Says:

    Wanted to come out of lurking to tell you that just from your blog you seem like a wonderful Mom to me. I’m sure that whatever playing efforts you give them, they love. The next one will too. Swaddling saved us!

  2. Deb Says:

    Hi Laura! Just wanted to let you know I knit up the hat yesterday. Great pattern! I’ve posted on my blog. Thanks for hosting a knit along for it.

  3. Deb Says:

    oops forgot to add the yarn–Anny Blatt cachemir. It is 75% wool 25% cashmere. It is so soft!

  4. LeAnne Says:

    You ARE interesting! I read your blog about four or five times a week! I have been gone, though and was relieved to hear that you and the baby are well. I was up in Seattle all weekend and really wanted to go to Hilltop (Queen Anne OR East Side) but didn’t have time or “permission”. hee hee

  5. Dani Says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for months, and #16 is a total surprise. You seem to be all about having fun with your girls. I was no good at playing with my kids at all when they were younger and even now I can only do it in small doses. I feel guilty because the whole time I am playing with them I am saying to myself, “This is good for them. This is building memories. They are going to thank me for this later.”

  6. Nadia Says:

    I always think people are mad at me too! This leads to me being far too afraid of the phone for no good reason.

    I used to worry about going blind too, but then I read a really great Nietzsche passage about how he was looking forward to going blind so he could listen to all the great composers without distractions. I think I’ll do that too if/when I go blind. I’ll knit in the round and listen to Chopin’s polonaises and imagine dancing in a wide lavender gown.

  7. FYRKRKR Says:

    Well, as I know you like to hear opinions:
    2 – I”ll never have a cat, I’m deathly allergic. People don’t have cats. Cats have Staff.
    4 – YAY! and it shows!
    8 – You’re being silly. Everyone adores you.
    9 – OK, that is really silly and someone taught you that at a very young age and you need to unlearn it.
    13 – Hmmm…I don’t agree at all…
    14 – I find you very interesting, and apparently by the Finchy Fan Club, so does the rest of the planet.
    16 – you’re amazing
    17 – Learn from the past and get over it; you cannot change the past, only the future, but now many other people know because you have said. If you asked Abby, she wouldn’t know. You’re an amazing parent, better than most I know, so quit beating yourself up all the time!!!!

    Love ya!

  8. hayden Says:

    Heh. I knew that was a shout out to me before I clicked on the link. I didn’t know you met Nate when you were 15; that’s so cool!

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