Tue Dec 27, 2005

Another new project? They keep piling up.

After seeing Anna’s Panta yesterday, I decided I need one. Every picture of a Panta that I’ve seen has been gorgeous, and I’m still very aware of the fabulous, wildly colorful yarns that I saw at the shop yesterday. This could be a good 1 ball project, and since I’m still stuck at home for the most part….. I’m justifying buying more.

Here’s a link to the main page on Craftster, and here’s a link to the page with one of the pattern translations.

I poured over the Sensational Sock book yesterday and this morning, and I think I’ve resolved on one. I’m a little nervous to start a toe up sock, so I’m going with a simpler stitch pattern on a cuff down sock. I know I like the look/fit of a cuff down sock. The toe up thing throws an “unknown” into the mix that I’m not in the mood for.

And I swatched.


Which isn’t that unusual for me, but I also washed and blocked the swatch. That I never do. Why do socks make me so nervous? It’s ridiculous. I know how to knit them.

Since we’re talking about washing the swatch… This yarn (oh, and here’s a link to what the yarn looks like knit up) has aloe vera and jojoba oil in it. Sounds weird, and it was certainly not a selling point for me, so I didn’t think much on it. Knitting the swatch felt pretty normal. Then I washed it, and the wool swatch morfed into this super soft fabric that I’m dying to get on my feet.


Want to know why? Well, let’s just say that I am genetically pre-disposed to calloused feet*. They’ve even cracked and bled at times. Now, I usually keep on top of things and when they start to get rough, I exfoliate with this fantastic pumice on a stick that found it’s way into my Christmas stocking a couple years ago (thanks Santa/Nate), and I slather on the best cream for fragrant-sensitive dry skin EVER for a few nights before bed, then I’m good for months.

*my mom lays out sheets of newspaper on the floor, gets comfortable, and takes an electric Black & Decker sander to her feet.

Not. Kidding.

I’m thinking that a moisturizing sock sounds like a good thing.

9 Responses to “Another new project? They keep piling up.”

  1. Danielle M Says:

    The only type of sock knoitting that I’ve ever done is toe-up. I loved it, because you can try them on as you knit…Somehow that makes me feel like I know they’ll fit. I, too, am always more nervous knitting socks. Maybe its those tiny little needles!? Great color. The yarn sounds great. In fact, I may need to go find some!

  2. Ruth Says:

    That sock yarn looks so beautiful! If only I hadn’t just declared a moritorium on yarn purchases …..

  3. Jeanie Says:

    That sock yarn is really pretty-which color way is is it? Socks are so fun and fast to make:)

    Also, thanks so much for the info you gave me on the best friend dolls. I found the back issue on Ebay after your suggestion-it was meant to be!

  4. Jennifer Says:

    I’m prone to that foot problem too. I may have to look at that yarn…

  5. Heather Says:

    I have the same problems with my feet and now I swear by Heal my Heels at http://www.healmyhands.com . It’s all natural and SO wonderful.

  6. Mom Says:

    Oh My Gosh…..there is a cordless sander for my heels!!! Got to have one.
    Love ya,

  7. Teresa Says:


    My hubby does that to my feet too!! I am barefoot a lot and my heels get really thick.

    I got him a manicure set for christmas to use on my feet!! LOL

    I thought I was the only one!!

  8. Paula Says:

    Socks were the first project I tried, they were how I taught myself to knit. I figured I’d learn all the basics and the project was portable. I used this site and found it very helpful. http://www.royea.net/sockdemo1.html

    The Panta pattern is from Drops #86 Fall 2004, the company site has many free patterns.

  9. Emy Says:

    I love toe up socks…working on the first sock for my hubby..

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