Sat Jan 7, 2006

Health Group- Year 2, week 31

Good morning. I’m doing a little better today I think.

I haven’t been well enough to exercise, but I’ve been making efforts to eat better. I’m still eating junk food, but I’m making more of an effort to get some nutrition in as well, and I’ll start shifting over to more healthy food. I’m making lists.

We’re doing Saturday chores today around the house. Something neither of us usually do. It feels good.

How is your year starting?

5 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 31”

  1. Ruth Says:

    So far, so good. We’ve been fighting colds around here, but today is my son’s birthday, and he had a swim meet and did exceptionally well, so, happy day all around!

    Glad you’re feeling a bit better, too.

  2. Maggie Says:

    Colds here too. I’ve been trying so hard to keep my husband and son from catching my cold. I’ve washed my hands so many times I’m starting to get chapped skin! But if we can get through this week with no one else getting sick, it’ll be worth it.

  3. Monique Says:

    We just got over the Stomach flu here! Nastiest thing ever!

    I’m joining the health group this year.

    No exercise for me this week but I actually made dinner last night!

    Which involved using the stove and oven!! Whoa.

  4. Cathy Says:

    The farthest I got this week was to go shopping and buy more fruits and veggies. I also moved the eliptical machine out of the corner of the cellar – I wish, wish, wish it fit upstairs in the house, but it doesn’t. I hate going down to the cellar to use it, but I will bring a book or turn on the TV. I have my food journal ready to go so I can start keeping track of what goes in my mouth! I have hope!

  5. Katie Says:

    Last night I joined WW online. A friend and I are going to do the points and exercise together. I’ve been avoiding starting a diet because I was hoping to get pregnant. I’m still hoping, but in the meantime I really need to moderate my eating habits. I gained almost 15 lbs in the last 2 months – Ugh! I know it was the holidays… and I spent a lot of time just sitting and knitting… but I am really not happy about that. I’ve still got leftover goodies in the house, so I’m trying to give them away so I can start getting motivated!

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