Mon Jan 16, 2006

Zigzag Lace Scarf Pattern


Yarn– I used Angora by Elsebeth Lavold. 4 balls for the body, and 1 ball for the edging and fringe. Each ball of Angora gave me about 19 inches of scarf length.

I think this scarf would look great in a soft, worsted weight yarn that doesn’t bloom like angora to preserve more stitch definition. It is still luscious in the Angora, if you choose that route.

Needles– size 9 for body, a 36 inch circular in a smaller needle (I used a 7) to pick up side stitches, and a 36 inch circular in 10 1/2 to knit the edging.

A large crochet hook to help with fringe.

Gauge– don’t have one

Finished measurements– My scarf is 7 1/2 inches wide, and 77 inches long, including fringe


Cast on 33 stitches loosely.

Row 1- K5, (k2tog, yo, k2) repeat to last 4 stitches, k2tog, yo, k2.

Row 2- K1, (p2, yo, p2tog) repeat to last 4 stitches, p3, k1.

Row 3- K1, (k2, k2tog, yo) repeat to last 4 stitches, k4.

Row 4- K1, p4, (yo, p2tog, p2) reapeat to last 4 stitches, yo, p2tog, p1, k1.

Row 5- K2, (yo, slip 1 stitch, k1, psso, k2) repeat to last 3 stitches, k3.

Row 6- K1, p3, (p2tog tbl, yo, p2) repeat to last stitch, k1.

Row 7- K4, (yo, slip 1 stitch, k1, psso, k2) repeat to last stitch, k1.

Row 8- K1, p1, (p2tog tbl, yo, p2) repeat to last 3 stitches, p2, k1.

Repeat these 8 rows as many times as you like to get the desired length. You can bind off in 2×2 ribbing after row 4 OR row 8.

For edging, hold scarf sideways with front facing you. Along the top edge, with the smaller circular needle, pick up the vertical bars made by the selvedge stitch. Pick up stitches in the same place each time to maintain a uniform appearance. It ends up being about 1 stitch picked up for every 2 rows knit.

With the 10 1/2 needle, loosely work 2 rows in stockinette, (knit 1 row, purl 1 row), then loosely bind off in stockinette, causing the edge to roll towards the right (front) side of the scarf. Repeat on the other side.

For fringe– each fringe is made of 8, 7 1/2 inch strands of yarn. On my scarf, I have 9 fringe on each end.

Trim the fringe to even them when finished.

Now I need to make/write up the matching hat!


k2tog- knit 2 stitches together

yo- yarnover

p2tog- purl 2 stitches together

tbl- through back loop

psso- pass slipped stitch over the last knitted stitch

7 Responses to “Zigzag Lace Scarf Pattern”

  1. Jeanie Says:

    It’s beautiful! Thanks for the pattern:)

  2. Jennifer Says:

    Lovely! Thanks for sharing it!

  3. Crimson Says:

    This scarf is delectable. Thanks for the pattern!

  4. Katie Says:

    Yay! Thanks for posting this pattern! Please tell me you are going to participate in the Yarn Harlot’s Knitting Olympics… I must be insane because I just signed up with a lace project!

  5. erin Says:

    This is such a pretty lace. I’m sure it will work for a shawl too. Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  6. Laura Brown Says:

    This is a beautiful scarf pattern! Thanks for posting it! I have some mohair that might work loverly in it!

  7. Niki Says:

    What a beautiful scarf! Thank you for sharing the pattern. I can definitely see myself making this as a gift in the future.

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