Thu Jan 26, 2006

30 weeks pregnant

Here’s a preggo picture I took this morning in the bathroom mirror.


It’s the first one I’ve taken because as you can tell, I’m not showing that much. (Although I waddle with the best of them). So instead of looking like cute pregnancy pictures, they’d look more like fat pics. And there’s nothing fun or cute about that.

And here’s the mountain of boxes I hauled in today from the back of my truck.


That’s my torn apart (sort of) living room. It’s not really torn apart yet, it’s just where we’re dumping everything that needs to be packed away before we list our house. And now it’s full of collapsed boxes. I’m really hoping we make some significant headway this weekend, starting today.

Nate spent the morning packing 7 small boxes of books out of his office, and really, he hasn’t made a dent.

We got the inspection report faxed over today. I’m hoping the sellers will play ball. Mainly, we’re going to ask for the things that aren’t safe pertaining to electrical code and the gas furnace. We’re willing to do a lot of the other stuff ourselves, and then there’s the big issue that we don’t know how to approach yet.

I’m not being cryptic on purpose, but until we know what our plan is, I don’t want to get into too much detail. It may all change tomorrow.

13 Responses to “30 weeks pregnant”

  1. Julie Says:

    The picture IS CUTE!
    And you know I’m telling the truth or I wouldn’t say anything or I’d find some diplomatic way to approach the subject!
    : )

  2. Kathy Says:

    Wow! Is it a tribal burial site? Nuclear waste? Aunt Hazel in the basement? I’m so curious!
    And, btw, you look great!

  3. Michelle Says:

    Cute picture! I love your shirt. You are truly brave to be moving so close to baby, but then again it will be easier now than with baby, huh? And more room is always great. Good luck getting your house ready!

  4. Katie Says:

    Moving when you are pregnant is great because lots of people come over to help and they won’t let you lift anything! I actually like the pre-move organization and packing up. It’s the slow unpacking phase in the new place that’s not as fun for me.

  5. Laura Says:

    Hmmm, right now, the packing phase is feeling painfully slow. I just have so much house in front of me.

  6. Shelley Says:

    I think you look just adorable. Good luck with the house stuff. We are going through the same game right now down in Portland: waiting to see what the sellers will fix of our hopefully, soon to be new, house. Waiting to make sure our current house gets appraised at the value the buyer will pay. Waiting waiting waiting!

  7. Monique Says:

    You can tell it’s a pregnancy picture and NOT a fat one.

    You look really good.

    I can’t believe all the stuff you do AND you are pregnant!

    I can bearly keep up with 2 little ones and there is NO way I could do anything with a 3rd one.

  8. Gina Says:

    You look so gorgeous. I can’t believe that you’re hauling a mountain of boxes around at 30 weeks!

  9. Amy Lu Says:

    What a cute Baby Bump! You look all baby! How cute! And what a cute top!

    When it gets overwhelming, just think of all the space you’ll have in the new home, and your sweet perfect baby to rock and cuddle! It’s all worth it!

    And call people for help! No woman is an island (even when you feel like one!) I’m sure there are two dozen people that would love to help you out while you are in your “delicate” position.

  10. Kristel Says:

    Ooh, cute pregnant picture! 🙂

    I was the same when expecting Nea. Worse, in terms of not showing, atually… Some people I worked with were stunned when I was packing for maternity leave. “What, you’re pregnant?” I have pictures from when I’m some 30-35 weeks pregnant, and it really doesn’t show unless you know…

  11. Scout Says:

    Supah cute!!! I almost wish I had been pregnant in 2006 because the maternity clothes are so much cuter than 7 years ago!

  12. Vanessa Says:

    You look great for 30 weeks :O) I am 37 weeks and i can’t wait till my baby girl pops out lol. Congradulations !!

  13. uli Says:

    I think you look great and it is a preggo belly picture… not the other kind you were describing. I never took one in fear it would look like a fat picture and then I decided I wanted to have at least one baby belly picture and then we didn’t take it right away and then it was too late…. baby decided to come… no more baby belly pictures.

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