Thu Feb 2, 2006

Packing again

I found my purple Hayden Hat! It’s been missing for a long time, and yesterday as I was packing some hats, I found it sneakily nestled inside of a baseball hat. I’d moved the baseball hats many times in search of it, but admittedly hadn’t separated and looked INSIDE of each of them. I’m just happy to have found it.

And it’s been awhile, so I’ll gripe about being pregnant again. Food has once again proved my nemesis, so yesterday I thought I’d start on a strong foot. I had scrambled eggs (which I had to force myself to eat), whole wheat toast, and orange juice. What in the heck is wrong with that? I was sick the ENTIRE day. My stomach hurt, and I had no energy.

This morning, I had half of a piece of leftover cheese pizza, and some apple jacks. My stomach doesn’t hurt as bad as it did yesterday, but I have absolutely no strength. Which may have something to do with the fact that I woke up at 2:30 this morning, couldn’t sleep, got out of bed and started an Esther hat for my sister-in-law.


Then at 6, I fell asleep again, fitfully, until 7ish. And I want to die.

I’m excited at the prospect of having someplace new to take my knitting pictures. I’m a bit tired of the front porch. In the new house we’re trying to buy, the entire ceiling of the master bathroom is glass. Lots of natural light! New surroundings! (Until we’re all tired of seeing my bathroom in the background), and I won’t have to put on shoes and make sure I’m decent before taking the photos like I do now! Not to mention arousing neighbors’ suspicion as to the legitimacy of my sanity as I waddle out the front door in pj’s and slippers each morning, take a picture of something, turn around and waddle back.

People write books about that sort of thing.

2 Responses to “Packing again”

  1. Katie Says:

    It’s so exciting that you’re moving to a bigger place… does this mean more space for your stash? I’m glad that the deck problem wasn’t as bad as originally thought, and that things are moving along for you. (Heh, heh, no pun intended.) Sorry that you are still feeling crummy during your pregnancy – it makes me feel guilty for not being sick right now. 🙂

  2. Amy Lu Says:

    Ha ha, that is so hilarious-the neighbor thing. I know my neighbors think I’m off my rocker, I do the same thing.

    A ceiling of glass? Good thing you have 3 girls instead of 3 boys!

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