Sat Feb 25, 2006

Health Group- Year 2, week 38

Good morning. I’m just opening the floor for you all today. I’m not doing anything spectacular in the healthy department. I’m just trying to survive the remainder of the move and the pregnancy. But, the pregnancy will be over in 4-6 weeks, so we’re approaching the end. Hard to believe.

I’m looking forward to doing my wheatgrass juice again. I’m looking forward to juicing again. I’m also looking forward to walking for exercise again. The neighborhood we’re moving to is extremely hilly. While it will be difficult to walk through, after I build up some stamina, I’d imagine it will be REALLY good for my heart and metabolism.

And I’m anxious to get back to my weights. I love the way muscles feel.

That was a whole lot of “I” sentences. Sorry. How are things for you?

4 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 38”

  1. Dani Says:

    It is difficult to avoid all those “I” sentences, isn’t it? I struggle with the same thing when I write.

    Nothing earth-shattering is going on for me in the health department, either. I lost half a pound this week, which I attribute to giving up the sweet iced tea a couple times. I’m going to try giving up fries next week. Wish me luck!

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    Well, I don’t have much to report, but I did just realize how slack I have been – not even logging in to Health Group lately! Bad me! I must do better!

    I’ve pretty much been at a plateau for a while, but since I’ve been sick for a week and now know that I am sick (saw a doctor finally) and have an ear infection of all things! I thought I was just dizzy and sick! I lost 2 pounds. I don’t think puking is the way to lose weight, but at least I started paying attention again. I bought one of those giant things of ready-salad “spring mix” at Costco and a bag of peas, asparagus and little bell peppers. We’ve had salad almost every night this week. It’s a start. Now, if this pain in my side would just go away!
    See ya next week!

  3. haibane Says:

    Hi! I’ve never commented before but enjoy your site. I’m not a knitter but I like to do some kinda quilty things and I am teaching myself to sew (I’m currently making my husband a bowling shirt, har har). Anyway, I have two young kids (a 2.5 and 4 year old) and I also live in Washington. I found your site because I was reading Wilkie Collins’ “Poor Miss Finch.”

    Aaaaaand now you have my life story. Sorry about that. I’m 33 and I need to lose some weight. Seriously. Like 50 lbs. So the sun came out today and I think I might start riding my bike again, or walking with my kids, and definitely not bringing home so much crap from restaurants. So, I’ll check in with you all on Sunday.

  4. haibane Says:

    Er… I mean Saturday. I’m off to a stellar start, no?

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