Mon Mar 13, 2006




Every time I look at it, I think about Shrek 2, when he’s talking about Puss’s “wee lit’le boots!”

1/2 ball of Koigu. (My hat weighs .8 oz, or 24 grams).

Size 2, bamboo double pointed needles

Cast on 100 stitches.

Work in 1×1 ribbing until hat is 3 inches from bottom, (not the cast on), with brim flipped up the desired amount.

Start decreases-

1. (work 9 in ribbing, k2tog), end p1.

2. Work 1 round, working stitches as they are.

Continue the two decrease rounds, working 1 less stitch between k2tog each time until you have done (work 4 in ribbing, k2tog), end p1. Omit the in-between round and just work decrease round until you have 10 stitches. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail, and thread through the 10 live stitches with an embroidery needle. Weave in ends.

I haven’t tried this on a baby yet, but with the brim able to be adjusted higher or lower, and the generous stretch of the ribbing, I think it’ll fit good.

The Superman blanket is done, and my friend and I found what we think will be a good backing on Saturday. It’s in the drier now. You’ll see it tomorrow.

Twice last night, while trying to roll over in bed, my pelvis popped/cracked. Once on each side, like my legs wanted to fall out. It was excruciating, and I’m still sore. Before bed, I was having some serious “warm up” contractions, and I walked around through them, just to get things progressing a bit.

Pretty exciting.

7 Responses to “Cuuuuuuuuute!”

  1. uli Says:

    Very, very cute. I use about 88 stitches on my sock yarn baby hats but those really fit small babes. Plus I do ribbing and then stocking stitch – so I’m sure with the stretchiness of rib this little hate is guaranteed to fit and to fit for a long time. Now, at 9 lbs, Jonathan is growing out of the little hats and I have to make some more that are a bit bigger.

    Your hat is so cute…. gotta find me some blue Koigu.

  2. Karma Says:

    Oh, yay, I have a couple of 1/2 skeins of Koigu around here and I’d love to put them to such sweet use. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    I hope the next couple of weeks are as comfortable as possible.

  3. Rani Says:

    That wee little had it darling!

  4. Lelah Says:

    Very cute hat, and very exciting contraction news!! I’m sending “Good Luck!!” thoughts your way. 😀

  5. Robyn Says:

    Cute hat! Hope tp see little Superman soon! Hope all goes well.

  6. Nik Says:

    that teeny-tiny-little-itty-bitty hate is too cute *lol*

  7. Crystal R. R. Edwards Says:

    The hat is great! Can’t wait to see a picture of it on the baby.

    Good luck in your final week(s). I go in on Monday myself for the C-section with my third, and like you, I’m popping and creaking all over the place. The worst is when I’m sitting there, crocheting all quietly and the baby kicks and I can hear my back pop. Every time he does that, I mis-stitch. I’m doing a lot of cussing these days.

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