Tue Mar 21, 2006

Moving day, #2

Our sale didn’t close yesterday like it was supposed to. We’re still here, waiting to hear if both houses will close today or not. We had to put off the movers that were supposed to help Nate unload the truck this morning. We had to put off the movers that are going to move my weights.

Waiting around, with nothing but anxiety to entertain.

I want to go shopping.

8 Responses to “Moving day, #2”

  1. Julie Says:

    Sending best wishes for things to get resolved quickly!

  2. Crimson Says:

    I’m sending the same sentiments as Julie. I hope everything works out quickly!

  3. Jenny Says:

    Oh, the cliffhangers over here!
    Good Luck! You need time to prepare the new nest!

  4. Katie Says:

    Oh dear… I hope the hold up was nothing serious. How frustrating! Hello, Clark? Better stay in there a bit longer!

  5. Karen Says:

    Oh goodness! Julie said it best right out the gate. Best wishes.

  6. RachelH Says:

    Oh no! What a pain! Hope everything works itself out and really really really really soon! ((HUGS))

  7. Dani Says:

    I’m reading this on Wednesday night. I trust that you are all settling down for your bedtime ritual in your new home.

  8. Katie Says:

    Oh my, the suspense! How’s everything going over there??!!

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