Wed Mar 29, 2006

Brief access to the internet

Hi again. Junior’s still cozy in my belly. We’re getting more settled. The phone company didn’t bother to tell us until after we got in that it will take over a week to get DSL up and running. That SO sucks. I miss posting. They claim that we’ll have internet service on Friday, but that’s a big “wait and see.”

Veronica and I are heading out to my doctor appointment right now, where I was planning on having my membranes stripped until I read your comments just now, and now I’m nervous.

But I’m ready for labor.

Monday, I bought a little bassinette/cradle, a boppy pillow (my first ever), and a nursing bra. I’m set.

So, I totally have to go, and I’m not sure when I’ll be back, but I’ll try. Thanks for the comments. I haven’t seen my email in almost a week, and I won’t be able to until at least Friday, when I’m hoping to have a baby home with me!

Oh, and I HAVE taken a bath in the big tub. Two actually. Mmmmmm. And the hot tub is now cleaned and hot. We sat in that last night. Mmmmmmm. And I CAN’T WAIT TO SHOW YOU PICTURES!!!!

TTLY. I’m so totally late.

13 Responses to “Brief access to the internet”

  1. Cathy Says:

    You had me so worried! Glad everything is going well. Can’t wait to see pictures!
    take care of yourself!

  2. Heidi Says:

    Yahhh we are all waiting!! I know we miss your posts here!

    ~heidi & girls

  3. jackie Says:

    Good Luck, I missed your daily posts. I am glad that all is well.

  4. katrina grace craig Says:

    good luck on that whole baby-by-friday thing! he’s been such a good cooperative baby so far, staying in place nicely until you got somewhat settled…

  5. Robyn Says:

    I was beginning to think that you’d had the baby for sure. Well, hang in there.

  6. Kirsten Says:

    So glad you are getting settled. I thought you might have delivered little Junior but Duh! I should have thought about moving = no internet access! Take care.

  7. mia Says:

    I thought for SURE you would have had the baby by now!! I would go for the membrane stripping if I were you, when I did my OB rotation, I saw it work like magic on many women. Plus, you have luck on your side since you’ve already had 3 other babies! I’m crossing my fingers for you!!

  8. Melissa Says:

    De-lurking to say good luck!

  9. shelley Says:

    I’m delurking to wish you good luck Laura! You have been on a bit of a superwoman stint in the last while (maybe you should knit yourself special cuffs to match) so that actually having the little guy may be like a well-deserved break. Hope you are enjoying your new home even though I know it will take a while to get settled properly. Best wishes.

  10. Susan Says:

    Girl, have that baby. Enjoy!!! We can wait for your great blogs. I think we’re all wishing you the best.

  11. Gayle (FYRKRKR) Says:

    I’ve been worried about you and of course…wondering! The whole stripping thing sounds frightening, but then again, so does pregnancy and giving birth! So do what you need to do!
    I am praying for you and a happy, healthy new arrival in your near future!
    P.S. I have internet and you know where I live!!!

  12. Karen Says:

    Yeah for the update! Yeah for the tubby! Yeah for the hot tub! Yeah for pictures coming eventually. Most importantly Yeah for Jr. continuing to cook until after his family is in the new house. We will be thinking of you!

  13. Sara Says:

    I join the de-lurkers to wish you all the best! Hope that baby comes soon. Those last couple of weeks are killer. Of course, the lack of sleep to follow isn’t any great shakes either. Thank goodness babies are so dang cute…. : )

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