Fri Mar 31, 2006

Health Group- Year 2, week 43

Good morning. No March baby for me I guess. We’re both still here.

Shopping was fabulous yesterday, and I’m still feeling more or less patient. Olivia isn’t, however. The first thing she did this morning was come into my room and complain that the baby wasn’t born yet.

We’re all waiting.

I am having some pain this morning. It’s focused on the sides of my abdomen, and across the top of my low back, and it comes in waves. I haven’t been timing it. If it progresses, I might pay more attention, but for now, I’m ignoring it. It’s happened a few times in the last few days.

Health Group-

what’s going on out there? Anything? I’ve only gained about 10-14 pounds, depending on the day. I figure that when the baby comes and I lose all the extra fluids, I’ll weigh less than I did before the pregnancy. I’ll enjoy seeing the scale, but I’m sure I’ve only lost muscle mass, and probably increased in flab.

That’s not going to be pretty.

4 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 43”

  1. stephanie Says:

    I’m with Olivia. The suspense is killing me.

  2. Jenny Says:

    Ah, man, Laura! Ya missed your chance!! You shoulda posted that you had twin girls, and then watch everybody freak before you added the “April Fools” update, haha!
    Remember, boys are slow… three boys were late, later, and latest, while my daughter was early.
    Too bad, I was wondering if I would have a birthday pal in March…..
    I am really really bummed. Remember last year I tested borderline for diabetes, and I lost 40 pounds…..then I was really sick during Dec, and didn’t follow the diet so strictly. I have been part on and part off the diet since, and have remained steady at minus 35 pounds. Well, this week I had bloodwork done, and my blood glucose is one point HIGHER! Now I am considered pre-diabetic!!!! I could just scream….
    So, back on full with the diet, forever………

  3. Dani Says:

    It was just the opposite for me–my girls were all slow and had to be forced out, while my son came out a week early. Here’s praying that your kid shows up soon!

    Health Club: I was feeling lazy and sorry for myself because I gained weight last week, so I misbehaved this week. I didn’t exercise and I had fries and sweet tea twice. Guess what? I lost a pound! I’m not going to push my luck, though. I plan to jump back into exercising next week.

  4. FYRKRKR Says:

    Well, I don’t believe you’d have the little guy and NOT post about him (or her if the predictions were wrong) so I guess you did miss the chance for a great April Fool’s Day joke on the rest of us! I was expecting you’d have something planned, too, just in case. You know, you do have a great predelection for April babies and they’re great, so sticking with tradition may be the way to go. We’re hanging in here with you!

    Don’t worry about “flab” it comes and goes, you’ve got more important things to focus on. Just think how wonderful it will feel to put on a pair of real jeans again… Worry about the details later.

    As for my flab, I am happy to be rejoining the Health Group. I’ve missed you guys. I’ve been going back to PT and yesterday Matt (my PT guy) started me on Lumbar something-or-other exercises (I recently injured my back in addition to everything else) and with the little that he had me do, last night and today, I can FEEL that underneath that huge roll of belly bulge I DO have Lower Abdominal Muscles. They really are there and do exist. They hurt. It’s great. I can’t believe it. He also put me on the elliptical for a few minutes. It was weird, but cool; this is the guy that a year ago put me on a treadmill for 6 minutes and I told him I couldn’t do it…that I’d DIE!!! We laughed about that. He told me next week to show up in gym shorts and real tennis shoes cuz he’d going to work me out. I’m so excited. I actually scheduled time on my Palm Pilot each day this week to do my at home exercises.

    I’ve lost 4 pounds this last week so I am pretty stoked. It was nice to defeat 190 again and hit 188. Gotta keep going!

    Jenny, I’m sad to hear you’re fighting to stay out of the diabetic realm. Keep up the fight. There’s a book I have that talks about diabetes prevention and cures naturally that you might be interested in. It’s “The Cure For All Diseases” by Hulda Regehr Clark.

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