Sun Jul 11, 2004

Lotsa knittin’

You know it has to be a good weekend when you get a lot of knitting done. Ahhhhhh, how nice. Not a very exciting weekend, admittedly, but a nice one.

SO, as I mentioned in the comments to Friday’s post, Elaine gave me that gentle push of moral support that I needed to finish Abigail’s doll, whom she named Christine. She’s pretty darn cute. (Thank you, Elaine!)


Showin’ some thigh there? Yeah. Initially, the skirt was much longer and she looked very frumpy. I felt ugly just looking at it, so I had to frog and make her sassy. Since the skirt is so short, she has little undies!

With that out of the way, I turned to Olivia’s backpack.

image image

It is huge. I’ve done my math, and it should shrink up just fine, but it is still huge. There have been seemingly hundreds of ends to weave in, what with all the striping, and I am almost done. Almost. I still need to do the two top straps and the little loopy thing that enables the bp to be hung on a hook at school. Just in case it doesn’t shrink like it is supposed to, I’m making the straps adjustable enough to suit me as well.


I said “just in case”……… you know, just… in… OK, fine. I like the dumb thing. It’s cute. Who knows how long she’s going to want it? I mean, we’ll get more use out of it this way. Right? (Work with me here)

6 Responses to “Lotsa knittin’”

  1. Elaine Larsen Says:

    Great job on the eyes Laura! Christine turned out cute!

    Looking forward to seeing the pack finished – I’m with you on the straps!


  2. Laura Says:


  3. Jenika Says:

    I can’t wait to see your backpack once it’s felted. It’s going to look great – you and your daughter will have to share!

  4. Jenny Says:

    Hi Laura! Christine turned out so very nice! Just super! I just received my back issue of Interweave Knits with the doll pattern in it, and I sure hope I can make mine look as good as yours! My cousin and I have been inspired by YOUR dolls!
    We’re also anxious to see the backpack felted! How exciting! Jenny

  5. Laura Says:

    I want to see the backpack felted, too. Mainly because it would mean that I was done with it, and I could start mom’s sweater!

  6. alison Says:

    Christine looks great! Very cute dress. I’m loving watching you make these dolls. Still unsure whether I’ll have as much fun making them myself.

    The backpack does look huge! It’s gonna have to shrink a lot. Can’t wait to see it.

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