Fri May 26, 2006

Health Group- Year 2, week 50

In approaching the beginning of the 3rd year of Health Group, I’m reminded that we missed my bloggy birthday! 2 years! It’s been fun.

Health Group is a day early this week because tomorrow we’re still planning to go camping, despite my injury.

This week sucked. We spent every single day getting the girls’ homework done and/or caught up in some cases, PLUS finishing the big project that each of them had due this week in their respective classes. Seriously. The entire week. So I didn’t do much exercising at all. And now I’ve hurt my back.

I’m still enjoying the breakfast shakes, and I know they’ve helped me to eat better throughout each day.

The injury to my back is confirmation that I need to be more dedicated to my physical therapy exercises, which I intend to resume slowly next week when we get back from the weekend.

Tell me about your week.

4 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 50”

  1. hayden Says:

    Um, I plan to read, and walk Bay, get my oil changed, taunt your husband about SP3, talk with my family, and oh, catch up on all the sleep I’ve been sacrificing for books. And eat Copper River…it’s a tradition.

    Have a great time La!!!

  2. Dani Says:

    My week was good and bad. Good: I exercised several times this week. Bad: my eating was out of control. I think I gained again this week. I’ve got to be more aggressive next week.

    Enjoy your camping trip!

  3. kirs Says:

    Hey there!

    We didn’t forget your birthday, I promise! But your card just got returned to us…so Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was great! Have fun camping this weekend!

  4. Gayle - FYRKRKR Says:

    I am glad we are still Health Grouping, although I am way tardy as usual! The pants I am borrowing because all of mine are too big are now too big, also, so soon I will back into some of my own smaller clothes. Time to start really purging the closet. Anybody need some 18 or 20 Levi or Lee jeans or shorts before I donate them? They’re in great condition. (I know, I’m not into the trendy stuff, I doesn’t look good on this body yet.) I’m still swimming and exercising. Planning on adding in more regular trips to the gym. Why NOT??? I won’t go into detail (I’m tempted but I’ll spare you) about how my favorite doctor upset me on this issue yesterday, but doesn’t it get tiring when people don’t understand how hard this is???

    Have a great week. I think I’ll start doing Smoothies again for breakfast, too. That sounds delish! What a great idea for summer!!! Thanks, LA!

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