Wed Jul 14, 2004

Not yet

I did work on the backpack yesterday. Honest. Still not done. If it makes me feel any better, I did drag the girls to four (count them, FOUR) doctor appts. Liv got the necessary shots for kindergarten. Veronica was prescribed prunes. Abigail’s eyes are fine, so we don’t need to haul her off to an optometrist like the elementary school nurse said, and my back still hurts.

In mid fall of last year, one of the neighbor girls came by selling magazines to raise money for her school. I was in the middle of painting my kitchen, so I quickly scanned the “craft” section and bought the only knitting magazine they offered.


I know. It’s bad. Until this month, Knit ‘n Style was the only knitting magazine coming in my mail on a regular basis. I think it is almost worth the price of the subscription just to get that much of a laugh every other month. Nate and I have lots of fun. This month, I found one sweater that could be cool, if I use a different yarn. You’ve got to see some of these. If you click on the link, and click on the cover, you’ll get to see lots of lovelies. (Now, to be fair, there are a couple of totally cool and sassy pictures in their feature article on Italian Knits. I want to find a pattern for some of those.)

Back to the backpack…… I’ve finished one top strap, and have the second well under way. So I’ll finish that up, knit some sort of loopy thing, and felt away. I still think my fear is dragging this one out. I can’t stand the thought of a bomb. I’m probably going to go throw up while it’s in the wash.

2 Responses to “Not yet”

  1. Amanda Says:

    Just think: someone DESIGNED all those hideous patterns. Someone thought those patterns are just the best. Someone truely felt they were filling a fashion/knitting void by designing those gawd-awful-fugly sweaters. Yuck. (There were a couple that were OK, but by and large, I was amused.)

    I always feel bad for the models in that magazine. They have to KNOW what they’re wearing is atrocious, yet they’re being paid to smile and act like they think what they’re wearing is SO cute. Yuck.

  2. Laura Says:

    They actually look worse full page sized. Nate’s favorite, the diagonal jacket, has this long eyelash yarn on the shoulder. It looks like she’s wearing an animal of some sort. You can’t even see that in the little pictures on the web.

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