Sat Jun 17, 2006

Health Group- Year 3, week 1

Well, that didn’t work. I’m not as better as I expected to be, so I couldn’t exercise. Plus, I wasn’t really home all week anyway. In either case, I didn’t exercise, and I got to snacking towards the end of the week. So I’m not under 220 as I had hoped.

Oh well.

I’m not sure when I’m going to be able to exercise without coughing my brains out.

How was your week?

3 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 1”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    I’m sorry to hear you’re still sick! That stinks! Let’s go for a better week, shall we? I had a horrid, horrid migraine on Monday and took a few days to feel better. Turns out, I’m not the only one. Art himself, Trev – my bro-in-law, some of Art’s co-workers, and apparently a whole bunch of other people did too. So what happened Sunday/Monday?

    I weighed this morning because of Health Group. I am at 194. Seven months ago, I was at 184! Wrong direction! I am terribly sore today, but then again, I did work really hard yesterday. I was setting up for the Golden Specialty – it was fun work and today was AWESOME! Can’t wait for tomorrow!

    Besides FEELING like I really worked out, I have been doing my abs, they HURT like I should have a six-pack not a jelly-belly. Someday. I can feel it. My PT has me doing incredible work on abs.

    Still hopeful, but hard to believe we’re in YEAR 3???? This is the year, ladies, this is the year!!! I BELIEVE!

  2. Dani Says:

    Exercising with a cold makes you feel even worse. I tried it a few weeks ago. Rest for a little while so you can go back to your routing strong.

    I’m holding steady at 268. I think I could have lost a pound this week if I had exercised. I didn’t feel hungry all the time like I have in past weeks. Part of it has to do with my attitude, I’m sure. I read “The Fat Girl’s Guide to Living” and it reminded me not to obsess over my diet. Somehow the shift of focus made me less hungry. Let’s hope it will last!

  3. Susan Says:

    Sounds like you need to rest…I mean in the bed, relaxing. Keep the little one close by, and just stay flat. In my experience, that’s the only way to get rid of any kind of respiratory problem.

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