Mon Jul 10, 2006

punk baby

Clark was three months old last week.


(That’s Clark and my brother at the Mariners game last Tuesday).


He’s trying to talk a lot now. We’re not a quiet family by any means, and he tries to get in on the noise making too. Olivia did that a lot. It’s really cute.

The 4th was great.



And everyone still has all their limbs, although it took forever to get through all those fireworks.

I’m still trying to get it together for the Christmas stocking knit-along. Knit Picks is out of their color cards for the Wool of the Andes, so I need to order a bunch of colors. It looks like they have some good, inexpensive needles now too, so I’m also going to order a couple 32 inchers to try my hand at the magic loop method of sock making. And then I’ll need to Google to find some instructions, or pick up the little book, or call the lady in my church congregation that does it and ask her to show me.

So much to do.

My plans for today, after swim lessons (which are rapidly approaching, I need to get off the computer and get dressed) is to hit Costco real quick and then clean my house.

No Responses to “punk baby”

  1. heather Says:

    Clark is adorable in that hat/head/hair thing.

  2. Katie Says:

    What a fun and funny hat!

  3. Sheryl Says:

    hee hee, Punk Clark, hee hee!

  4. Cheryl Says:

    Ha ha! He looks so cute in that hat! What great pictures. Hpw are the swim lessons going? Do the girls like them?

  5. Connie Says:

    Before you invest in new needles and the brainpower to learn the magic loop, consider the size of Christmas stockings. The ones I made worked fine on 16-inch circulars.

    Wouldn’t shorter needles be easier for the girls to manage even if the stockings ended up a bit larger than what you first anticipated?

  6. Laura Says:

    Yes. I had mentioned trying out a new method on Christmas stockings previously, but right now, I’m just thinking about real socks. And for the girls, a 16 inch would certainly be easier!

  7. Sue Says:

    That picture of Clark made me laugh so much. What a great start to the day. He looks so adorable with his green punk hair. I cannot believe that he is already 3 months old.

  8. Gayle (FYRKRKR) Says:

    Love the hat! THAT’S FAR OUT!

  9. Caroline Says:

    Speaking of Christmas stocking knit-alongs, you have the prettiest Christmas stocking on your December 2004 blog. It’s the one in green and maroon. Do you know where I could get the pattern?

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