Thu Jul 13, 2006

Wanna laugh at me?

I made a shake for breakfast this morning, like I do every morning, but this is the first time that most of it ended up down the garbage disposal.

You see, I bought a bunch of avocados a couple days ago. When Nate (who doesn’t like avocados) saw them, he said he wanted to make an avocado milkshake because he’d had one years ago and really liked it.

I know you see where this is going, but let me tell my tale.

So this morning, when checking out the freezer, fridge, and fruit bowl to decide what concoction to make today, I saw the avocados and thought that if they make a good milkshake, why not a smoothie?

I’ll tell you why. Because, obvious to me now, ANYTHING tastes good when blended with vanilla ice cream, sugar, and whole milk. That’s why. Yogurt, 1%, and half a banana… not so much.


It was vile.

So, Nate and I each choked down a glass (because it was made from good food, shame to waste it), but couldn’t bring ourselves to drink any more.

Down the sink it went and I’m left to wonder why in the WORLD I thought it sounded like a good idea.


7 Responses to “Wanna laugh at me?”

  1. Dani Says:

    I thought God created avocados for guacamole :-). I can’t imagine eating them in anything else.

  2. Gina Says:

    I’ve had some sort of avocado drink at Vietnamese restaurants, but I’ve never been brave enough to attempt duplication at home. Now I know why.

  3. Gayle (FYRKRKR) Says:

    See, and I never would have even tried it – I just don’t get what there is to like about avocados and I never would have allowed it near my ice cream!

  4. Maggie Says:

    I love avacados, but I’ve never had them on the sweet side…I am going to try this vile shake. I must know what it tasted like!

  5. Emy Says:

    Well, I had that disastrous attempt too!

    But I figured that out — in an indonesian restaurant I went to, they added gula melaka (that’s cane sugar, thickened) and u stir them right in.

    Makes for a thick yummy lovely shake.

  6. Katie Says:

    Well, I won’t laugh because it sounds good to me too… I love avocados but perhaps I should just stick to eating them by themselves or in guacamole. 🙂

  7. Evelyn Says:

    When I was in Indonesia years ago, I was served a blended avocado drink with chocolate syrup or it could be the gula melaka Emy mention (I don’t know what gula melaka is). It tasted like chocolate syrup. It was very thick but when you stir it all up, the chocolate syrup made it very dark and ugly. But it tasted pretty good…weird but good.

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