Wed Jul 19, 2006


I’m so tired. I don’t think I’ve recovered from the drive-in on Friday, where we saw Pirates and Superman back to back. We got to bed around 4am. And this week has been busy. We haven’t been home much.

Abby got her ears pierced yesterday.



She was in the chair, the lady had rubber gloves on and had disinfected Abigail’s earlobes, had everything laid out, and Veronica had to go to the bathroom.

4 Responses to “Sparkles”

  1. heather Says:

    Woo Hoo! Congrats Abby! Funny story about piercing ears…when my cousin was 5, my mom took her and got her ears pierced. So 8 years later, when I’m a few months shy of 5, my aunt gets me all worked up about piercing my ears, so my mom takes me. (Which I still remember) So then, I go to show my dad, turning my head every which way so he’s see and notice…no clue. Mom had to tell him.

    How did the racoon turn out? And the movies?

  2. Gayle Says:

    Congrats, Abby!
    Way to go!

  3. Katie Says:

    Ooh pretty! (And what a brave girl – no tears or anything!)

  4. Gina Says:

    What a trooper! She looks so sweet.

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