Thu Aug 10, 2006

Beach Shot


Fun fun fun. We have to leave Seaside in a few minutes, and the sun just came out for the first time since we’ve been here. We’re at our friends’ house now, and everyone want the fun to continue. We’ll have to come back.

I’m tired of road food.

I’m wondering how our floors are going.

Clark has been a dream.

I have no idea what I’m going to do with my hair tomorrow at the wedding, and it’s starting to stress me out.

3 Responses to “Beach Shot”

  1. Julie Says:

    How fun to catch a glimpse into your adventures!
    I hope your sister’s wedding is fabulous! Have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures. We need to see how your sister looked in her wedding dress!

  2. heather Says:

    Did you figure out what to do with your hair? I hope you all have a fantastic time at the wedding!

  3. Christine Says:

    Had I paid closer attention, I would have waived as you crossed the 205 bridge.

    I’m Christine, from Vancouver, Washington. I dont know if I had introduced myself to you or not yet, but I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now. I probably came across it from someone else who frequents your blog.

    Anyways, I just wanted to say Hello. I hope your sister’s wedding is beautiful. My husband and I are huge fans of McMenamins and we especially adore Edgefield.

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