Tue Aug 22, 2006

I need to stay away from that store




Welcome home, girls.

9 Responses to “I need to stay away from that store”

  1. Lynn Says:

    Where do you get those? I love them! I know you have mentioned the store/site before but it is slipping my mind.

  2. Danielle Says:

    Wow! You have fabulous taste in shoes. I should check out that store 🙂

  3. Lisa Says:

    I would seriously hurt someone (not you) for those blue ones! Very lucky feet you have, lady.

  4. Amy Lu Says:

    I have never gasped over shoes before. If you’re ever in Wisconsin, please take me shoe shopping with you!

  5. Gina Says:

    Oh…..Ah….. very pretty and cool!

  6. Katie Says:

    Very stylish shoes! Please tell me they are comfortable too – anything with a heel usually gives me leg spasms. I’m a short woman with a tall husband, so it would be fun to wear heels every once in awhile. 🙂

  7. Dee Says:

    Love, love, love them. And I live in Portland, so Seattle is a short hop away!

  8. Kerry Says:

    Love them! I was looking at their website again the other day thinking that I need to get some. They are too cool!

  9. shelley Says:

    Shoes are addictive. Fluevog are addictive. Equals irresistable. I live a few hours away from the Vancouver store, but they are always on-line. When I went to UBC, they used to be Fox and Fluevog. Still just as stylish.

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