Mon Aug 28, 2006

Two more days of summer break

It’s so strange. I can’t believe the summer’s already over. I’m sad. And a bit stressed that we’re entering the school year at such a disadvantage. With the homework (Abigail received TWO homework assignments in the mail that are due the first day of school. Olivia’s teacher assigns homework every weekend) and helping in class and everything, I wanted to be all organized and ready. But I’m not. The house isn’t put back together from the floors being redone. My garage is still a mess, which keeps me from being able to fully organize my house. I’m hoping that I can work on it more when the girls are at school. If Clark cooperates. We need to go shopping for school supplies still, and I don’t have a list from Abby’s class, but I’m hoping to get one this afternoon.

I think I’m over-stressing. It’ll be fine. Wanting everything to be perfect causes me more grief than I need sometimes.

Topic change- I took a bunch of pictures of Clark last night and this morning.



I took the last one by holding the camera over the two of us. Not the most flattering picture, but it’s still incredibly cute.

11 Responses to “Two more days of summer break”

  1. Amy Lu Says:

    Wow, I’m trying to remember what your hubby looks like from past entries, but if I’m right, Clark looks a lot like daddy, doesn’t he?

    Don’t fret on the organization thingy, 50 years from now, no one will remember if you had it all together the first week or not. None of those things are in your control, so I think you’re doing fabulous!

  2. Holly Jo Says:

    Homework? Due the first day of school? That seems a little harsh to me…I guess when we don’t want to leave anyone behind. *sigh* Don’t be hard on yourself – you are juggling a humanly impossible amount. I get tired just reading your blog! You & Clark are adorable.

  3. Tonia Says:

    I agree with the others. Don’t worry about the organization. It will all come together in it’s own time.

    I remember too well the homework due the first day. We were assigned at least 3 books over the summer and had to have reports and outlines on all of them the forst day back. I lived, but it did suck.

    Clark is adorable! What a doll. I have quite a few unflattering pictures of me and James, but he was being so cute I couldn’t resist.

  4. Judith Rosa Says:

    First, Clark is a doll, I can’t believe how much he’s grown.

    Second, I agree with the above comments. Don’t worry too much. I was a somewhat laid back housekeeper and it did not seem to affect my boys. They are very neat men now. They don’t seem to remember the sometimes disorganized house but they remember all the fun we had and all the great meals we fixed.

    I think you are an excellent mother.

  5. Stephanie Cullison Says:

    I hear ya on the school stuff. We finally did get a list for junior high. Of course…the my daughter informs me that the list was online at the school website all along. Does your school have a website? You might want to check it. It would have saved me some stress as well :o) I’m excited about school starting though….that’ll leave me with just 2 kids to watch during the day instead of all 4. Good luck on the organizing. It’s never ending…

  6. heather Says:

    Not to add to your stress Laura, but the Yarn Harlot will be at the Third Hand Book store (the one right by you) on Sunday, at 5.30. I’m going to try and go, any interest, or will you be too busy? No pressure, because you have 4 kids and school starting that next week. Just checking.

  7. Dani Says:

    My 8th-grade daughter got two assignments in the mail this summer, and that was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing. She just started school on Monday, and she said that was the talk of the lunch table. Apparently, none of the other parents had ever heard of summer reading assignments, either!

    So you’re a little unorganized. You’ll catch up eventually. Goodness knows you have more than one reasonable excuse!

  8. reader Says:

    In that second pic, your son looks like a tiny version of his Dad. I have seen your hubby’s pic on your blog a few times, and that second pic must be exactly what he looked like as a baby. What a sweet little boy you have. The big boy is pretty cute too 🙂

  9. Katie Says:

    Oh, that pic is beautiful! I’m not going to tell you not to be all anxious and stuff because I know that’s just exactly how I’ll be when my boys are eventually in school – I still get a little thrill when I see that the school supplies are in stores and I remember the satisfaction of getting everything organized before that first day. I’m sure my boys will care less about these things which is why it will probably end up stressing me out as a parent. 🙂

  10. Nik Says:

    That is one ambitious little teacher.

    Or crazy. I just can’t wrap my brain around that one. sending homework to the house to be due the first day of school. What was the assignment?

  11. Gayle (FYRKRKR) Says:

    Are you barking kidding me??? How dare they?! That’s RUDE! That’s HORRIBLE! How could they? I want that teacher’s name! I believe in a good education, but that’s ridiculous!!!!

    Clark’s adorable! I can’t believe how much he has grown!

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