Mon Sep 4, 2006

A swatch! A swatch!


Any brilliant ideas on what to name our Christmas Stocking-along? I haven’t had any. And Nate hasn’t made a button. But I’m wanting to get this party started, so comment to this entry to tell me if you’re in. Even if you’ve told me already, comment again (please?). It keeps it tidy for me, and I don’t have to worry about stupidly missing someone. I have emails spread out over the last few months from people that want to participate, and even if I go looking, I’ll miss somebody.

Wool of the Andes from Knitpicks seems really nice. Thank you to Jen for suggesting it. It hadn’t even occurred to me. You rock.

Sunday night, while laying in bed, we heard loud crackling sounds on the deck, so we got out the flashlight and went down to the basement to chase off the raccoons.

They’re still stinking cute.

There were four of them. I think they’ve gotten a bit bigger since we saw them last. We shined the big light on them from inside the house, they retreated a little bit and stared at us, waiting for us to go away, which we didn’t because they were around my pond. Three of them laid their little chins on a flat rock, side by side and I couldn’t believe how cute they were, considering they’re vermin.

Happily, I still have all of my fish, so I don’t hate them yet.

As for the swatch, I don’t like the ribbing or the garter stitch, so I’ll probably do a rolled, stockinette top. I still need to measure the swatch and work out a basic pattern. I’m thinking that most of them will be stripes within our color palette, with a duplicate stitch design added after it’s done. That way, Olivia can help with the knitting. But I still like the idea of Nate’s and mine being argyle.

Clark didn’t sleep too well last night, and at 4:30 this morning, he was done sleeping and kicked and clawed me until I lost all hope of going back to sleep myself. So I’m going to do some laundry now.

9 Responses to “A swatch! A swatch!”

  1. Darra Says:


    Clark is adorable! Last time I popped in here was not too long after you announced your pregnancy, I think.

    I haven’t been doing much in the way of blogging or reading since around Christmas and I’m very glad to see that you are still blogging. I started working and stopped knitting, it seems.

    Add me to this Christmas stocking knitalong for sure. I’ll have to hunt back a bit in your archives and find the details.

    I have two that I need to make liners for from last Christmas and 2 more that need to be knit for this Christmas.

    Nice to “see” you and congratulations on that sweet baby of yours 🙂

  2. Carrie Says:

    Hey Laura,
    It’s me, Carrie, from high school. I’ve been lurking long enough and want to join the knit a long. My little Stitch ‘n Bitch out here in Port Angeles is (hopefully) going to knit along with your knit along. If I’m not the only one, I’ll send pics for all of us. And, I’m thinking about putting together a wee blog too. Granted, I’ve only knit ONE pair of socks EVER and they were for a 11 month old baby. . . we’ll see how it goes!

  3. Danielle Says:

    A picot edge could be nice too 🙂

  4. Harriett Says:

    Count me in on the stocking KAL. I have some Wool of the Andes in Grass and Red that is waiting for me to start 4 stockings. A question: are you planning to line yours? I thought I might find some pretty green/red fabric to line them all with.

  5. Michelle Says:

    As long as I can make a striped only one I’m in. Thought I would do something with all the little balls/scraps of Manos I have leftover from an afghan.

  6. Brandy Says:

    Yes, please add me to your list – thank you for hosting! I’ll be making a snowman patterned Knit-o-Graf stocking with Smart superwash for my 2-year old niece to match our family stockings. I’ll pass the details on to my Sn’B group and see if anyone else would like to join as well. So many other projects to finish before I can even cast on for this one though … yikes!

  7. Danielle M Says:

    Count me in!

  8. Katie Says:

    I wish, I wish, I wish I could be a part of this, but I just don’t see myself knitting much before Christmas. We’ll see how I’m doing after baby arrives…

  9. jen Says:

    🙂 you’re so very welcome!

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