Tue Oct 31, 2006

Happy Halloween


The squirrels around here beg like dogs. Probably because we feed them peanuts to keep them out of our birdseed. This one was literally 18 inches from my face when I took the picture.

It’s going to be a looong day. Abigail was up at 5:30, Liv was up at 6:30, and Veronica, who is normally asleep until after 9, was up at 6:45.

Did I miss something? Is it Christmas?

I haven’t swatched any argyle yet, because I was distracted by the koigu.

Speaking of…. this may have already made it around Blogland, but since I haven’t been around Blogland much myself, I don’t really know.

Someone from my Yahoo group linked cashmere koigu. Can you imagine? Quite frankly, being mostly unfamiliar with cashmere, I can’t. But I want to.

So, Koigu. Abigail coerced me into turning one of my beautiful new skeins of koigu into fingerless mitts for an eight year old (herself).


6 Responses to “Happy Halloween”

  1. Hayden Says:

    Happy Halloween to you and yours Laura! Are you wearing your headband? The squirrel picture is just freaky, but at the same time, kinda adorable. And I love the mitts; they look great!

  2. Christine Says:

    Beautiful colors! Cute model!

  3. yvette Says:

    Those are cute mittens, hope your day wasn’t toooo long.

  4. Michelle Says:

    Hi Laura. I finished my stocking. I’ve been pondering about maybe felting it just a little… not sure. Check it out and let me know what ya think.

  5. Sue Says:

    Squirrels do look a bit creepy. Do you have a lot of them where you live. We dont have them here in Australia. Abigail has good taste in yarn too, love the mitts, and the color is very nice.

  6. Kerry Says:

    Isn’t it amazing how the promise of candy can wake even the sleepiest of children? LOL

    Love the mitts!

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