Mon Nov 6, 2006

Health Group- Year 3, week 21

I had a relatively good week. I made it through Halloween eating no sugar, and it wasn’t difficult. In fact, the only sugar I ate was in the evening on Nate’s birthday, and then some on Saturday and Sunday. But those days were pre-selected for eating whatever, and now I’m off of it until Thanksgiving.

This week, I hope to get some exercise in. The problem is, my spinning wheel has been calling to me, so I hauled it upstairs and have been playing around on it. (Wanna see something pretty?. Ooooooh, ahhhhh). That in combination with the stockings I need to make, and the leg warmers I want to make, plus the fingerless gloves promised to Olivia, and possibly some more for Mary with the hypothermic fingers…..

There isn’t a lot of extra time floating around here. But I’m thinking about how to fit it all in. And today I’m back to laundry.

How was your week? Is anyone going off of sugar with me?

5 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 21”

  1. Carrie Says:

    Oh, I was so inspired by your sugar fast. Mine lasted about a day and a half. I am, however, WAY down on my sugar consumption and have only slipped once on purpose. The other times, I’ve remembered right after I’ve eaten that I’m trying not to eat that! I’m still trying but you have a much stronger resolve than I! Good work.

  2. Heidi Says:

    Can I recommend a book? It is “Eat to Live, The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss” By Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
    This book is amazing, and real. It is healthy instead of making you sicker. I highly highly recommend reading it, even if you are thinking oh, it’s just another diet fad. It really isn’t and he explains a lot about nutrition and how and why the “other” diets don’t work and why they are extremely unhealthy for you. Ok, enough promo, just wanted to share my excitement.

  3. Katie Says:

    Well, I don’t think I could go cold-turkey on the whole sugar thing, but I am taking a hiatus from chocolate for awhile. I ate a ton of it over Halloween and poor Evelyn (who had the clearest complexion of all my babies) has got the pimples really bad. Hopefully her little face will clear up soon as we are having our Christmas portraits done next weekend!

  4. Hayden Says:

    Ha! Actually, I really don’t eat much sugar or sweets, not really. So, I’ll say maybe.

  5. Gayle (FYRKRKR) Says:

    Good job on the sugar fast! I can’t do it! I did however go to the gym and workout. I’ve got my pedometer and I’m usually doing just shy of 2 miles a day.

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