Wed Nov 22, 2006

I’m in trouble. Big, big trouble

So, it’s the day before Thanksgiving, when all through the house, not a single room was tidy, no food for the spouse………..and all of his family that are coming over tomorrow.

Yesterday afternoon, I felt pretty good about my Thanksgiving to-do list. Then last night, I went to the Valley Spinners guild meeting for the first time, where they happened to be having their semi-annual fiber sale (well, ok, I knew they were having their semi-annual fiber sale).

There are three fibers I want to try spinning. They had my first two picks in abundance, mohair and romney.





and Romney



Plus, a completely delightful and wonderful woman showed me how to use hand cards.



I really like her.

Finally, I bought 22 ounces of what looks to be a beautiful, washed targee fleece off of a sheep named Nolani.


I can’t stand it, I’m so excited. I was up at 6 am this morning, playing with fiber. I spun the little bit of red mohair that the sweet woman gave me to card (I think her name is Aline). I spun a rolag I made from the teal Romney. And then Abby and I carded a few more rolags.

Last night, I dreamt about fiber (and Matt Damon and Christian Slater, which was random, but also about fiber). I dreamt that Olivia had gone and used my Visa debit card to buy a drum carder for $148, and I was torn between being furious at her for using my card without asking, and pleased that she got a really good deal.

That’s ridiculous.

Getting back to my entry title, I don’t want to clean. I don’t want to cook. I don’t want to do anything but play with my fiber. I can’t tell you how silky and soft that mohair is. And I have bunches of it. Now that I can use my hand carders, I want to try blending things.

I don’t want to knit an argyle stocking (I’ve started the gusset. The way the colors are working out is crazy. I’ll talk about it on Friday). I don’t want to get ready for Thanksgiving. I have 58 ounces of fiber I spent less that $50 for. I’ve discovered I really like hand carding. (This surprises me. I expected to find it tedious and thought I wanted a drum carder as soon as possible. I was wrong. It’s really fun, and goes quick. Plus, I now know that Abby can do it. Hmmmmmm).

Right. So, I’m off to, um, clean my house and bake things. I hope.

4 Responses to “I’m in trouble. Big, big trouble”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Oh boy, do I ever hear you!! I just want to knit today, and not do all the baking and meal prep for tomorrow! Right now, I have tonight’s dinner in the oven early, because I haven’t even started the baking yet, and thought it is easier to throw dinner in quick while I’m still dragging my feet. Where has the day gone already??
    You sure sound like you have lots of fun stuff to play with!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Laura!

  2. Heidi Says:

    I just have to say i love being vegetarian, you just throw in an unturkey, make a few side dishes and wham, done!
    Anyhow, i have been knitting a lot lately after a year or so hiatus and LOVE It, too many projects to list and i really really want to get goats!!! I want to learn to spin and dye! After i get some goats, will you help me???
    Good luck with the big day!
    ~heidi m.

  3. Hayden Says:

    Heh heh, resist the temptation of pretty, pretty wool Laura…something to look forward to after Thanksgiving.

  4. Katie Says:

    Hee, hee! Wasn’t that fun? I still can’t believe I bought a loom. I’m still on a high from all those wool fumes! You bought so much pretty fiber, I totally don’t blame you for wanting to play with it instead of preparing for all those guests. 🙂 Good luck with that. I think I prefer the hand carding too. Drum carding is faster, but I think it’s more tedious because you are not really involved in the brushing… not really interacting with the fiber. I’d say have fun, but it sounds like you already are! 🙂

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