Wed Dec 20, 2006

Liv’s stocking is nearly complete

Olivia finished knitting her stocking,


and is constantly asking me to stitch an angel on it. She said something about wanting the top to be the “hot” colors, and the bottom to be the “cold” colors. She doesn’t think the red stripe looks very good, but it will be mostly covered by an angel anyway. She did a great job.

Liv says, “I was so excited when I finished my stocking because I worked really hard on it. It turned out really nice. I didn’t know it would turn out this nice. I can’t wait to finish the angel. Um, I picked out my own colors. Why I only did one stripe of red is because I didn’t know what it would look like with all the rest and I thought it would look nice with only one stripe of red. I was really excited when I got to the heel, um, I wanted to do the top part, the very top part and the heel and the toe the same color, and, then when it finally got done, I went around and around showing my family.”

I’ve been knitting more on the legwarmers, but this morning, picked up the 2nd argyle stocking again. I want both the legwarmers and the stocking to be done by Christmas Eve, but I don’t know if that will happen.

Yesterday I loaded up all 4 kids and went in to Alderwood to get Santa pictures and some shopping done. I thought it would be the death of me, but as it turns out, we were gone 6 1/2 hours in the holiday madness, and we had a great time. The girls were perfectly behaved, patient, polite, obedient…. I have no idea how it happened, but it was fantastic. So much so that when we got home, I still had energy to put up Christmas lights.


Liv helped, while Nate and the rest of them watched Polar Express.

9 Responses to “Liv’s stocking is nearly complete”

  1. Julie Says:

    I’m impressed! Excellent job, Olivia!

  2. Jenny Says:

    Beautiful job, Olivia! I’m very impressed!!
    Especially since I never tried doing a sock yet myself!!
    Merry Christmas to all of you!

  3. Stacey Says:

    The stocking is excellent! I actually think the red stripe makes the stocking interesting and unique. Great job, Olivia!!

  4. Lee Says:

    Olivia, what a great job! I love the red stripe, like Stacy. In design it is that kind of surprise that makes something interesting and makes you want to look at it longer. If every color was “matchy” it would not be as intriguing.

  5. Danielle M Says:

    Good job on a well knit stocking!

  6. Sue Says:

    Olivia is such a beautiful and talented knitter. I cant wait to see the angel on it too. Maybe she can help you knit the legwarmers.

  7. Katie Says:

    Great job, Olivia – I love the colors!

  8. Hayden Says:

    Liv, it’s a beautiful stocking. BEAUTIFUL. You did a fantastic job on it.

    Also, I’m going to sleep now. While at my desk. Do you think they’ll notice Laura?

  9. fin Says:

    i love the rainbow stocking!

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