Mon Jan 8, 2007

A little more stole


The yarn is using up faster than I calculated based on my swatch, so I might be emailing you, Dris. :-). It’s still too soon to tell.

There are a few mistakes, and I have no idea how they got there. Two I’ve fixed without picking back, one splendidly well I must say which is cool since the diamonds are lace knit every row instead of every other row which complicates things, and I don’t usually fix lace, I typically rip back and redo because lace can be a nightmare. Two other mistakes I’ve left alone. They’re not obvious, but I still can’t imagine how I missed some yarn overs and still maintained the stitch count enough to continue the pattern without noticing. So lame.

I’m going to clean my kitchen all the way, and get a good start on laundry before letting myself pick it up again. And that sucks. I really don’t want to. I just want to knit and knit and knit and knit and knit and knit……………

Cute kid pic-


4 Responses to “A little more stole”

  1. Hayden Says:

    Erm, yes…this is where the “cute kid” comment should have bad.

  2. Sue Says:

    Lovely lace knitting. I think that is why I have not attempted it yet, very very time consuming and concentration too. I love the pic of the kids, just adorable.

  3. Monica Says:

    lace is beautiful (can’t see any mistakes from here!) Kids are adorable, and on top of it all I love the chairs. I’m dreaming about some nice chairs like that for my ‘library’ . Someday….

  4. Erin B Says:

    Hey there, I was thinking of you and all the argyle problem you had continuing the pattern on the instep…

    I was reading the twisted sisters sock workbook and thelay out how you can knit the piece flat (instep and leg) portion together and then add the heal… It was mighty nifty.


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