Sat Jan 20, 2007

Health Group- Year 3, week 31

I had another good week, although I wasn’t as strict as I could have been with food. I’m still very happy with how I did, and I exercised everyday except yesterday.

My weight has been fluctuating like crazy. Today, I’m back up at 229.4. Yesterday I was 227.something. I keep adding and dropping about 2 pounds. It’s ok. My friend Ros came over on Thursday to talk and ra-ra about health, and she said that when the body first starts to break down and lose fat, it replaces it with water initially while things start changing, then finally lets it go. She said you should only weigh yourself at the beginning of the first month, and not again until the end of it.


I’m weighing myself anyway, because I’m so wildly curious every morning, but I’m not going to get upset for another couple of weeks if things continue to hover. This was week three for me.

Next week will be interesting. I don’t know how I’m going to exercise on Thursday, Friday and Saturday since I’ll be spending the entire day and evening at the Madrona Fiber Arts Winter Retreat (so excited, so excited), where I won’t be able to make my shakes for lunch, either. So I’ll be amazed if I’m not even heavier next week. I’m here for the long haul, though, so one mis-spent half-week isn’t going to kill me.

How are you doing?

No Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 31”

  1. Uli Says:

    Enjoy Madrona. One of my girlfriends is coming down across the border for this one and I’m jealous of her… I would have enjoyed coming. Have fun!!!

  2. roro Says:

    Your friend is probably right about the weight fluctuations. Your body will try to maintain its original weight by turning down the metabolism if necessary, as a protective mechanism from the stone age when most people probably experienced long periods of starvation. That is why it is so imortant to eat little, but often, to keep your metabolism going. (I’m sure you already know this!)

    Many people also experience a rapid loss in the beginning, and then the loss stops. This is not bad! It is your body that needs to get used to the new weight, and it is called plateau weight. Maintaining the plateau weight for a couple of weeks is good before you start to lose some more. If you put on weight after this, your body will work towards your last plateau weight and not the initial weight, as that is the last “stable” weight it remembers.
    Can’t you make something else for lunch and bring it with you, like a nice tuna salad or a yummy whole grain turkey sandwich or something? And lots of water to drink of course!

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