Thu Mar 1, 2007

Daisy knitting

I picked up the Daisy-Swatch-Turned-Scarf (see sidebar) this week at the encouragement of a persuasive group of knitters. I finished off the main body pattern, bound off, and swatched edgings.


Knitting on an edging is turning out to be more fun than I thought it would be. That’s not hard, since I expected it to be laborious, tedious, and miserable.

In truth, it’s a pleasant way to fill the unhappy hours of sick, which I still am.

6 Responses to “Daisy knitting”

  1. Danielle M Says:

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re still sick, but that scarf sure looks good!

  2. Carrie Says:

    That daisy swatch has always caught my eye! I love that it’s lace, but with a bit of whimsy. . .not so serious as so much lace out there. It makes me want to get out a magnifying glass and those itty bitty needles that freak me out and give it a whirl!
    Hope you’re on the mend. . .nothing worse than being sick. . .except being sick with a little one who’s also sick! I’m sending healing thoughts.

  3. Carrie Says:

    P.S. Is there a pattern for that daisy swatch, or are you just brilliant and made it up yourself? (you’re brilliant even if you didn’t make it up!).

  4. Syrenmuse Says:

    L, as an FYI – You’re not feeding to bloglines and haven’t been for a while…

    I usually hit the link for your blog to come right to the page as I can’t get previews.

    Thought you should know.


    Are you going to the Seattle Knitting Expo?

  5. Jen Says:

    I love that little edging! Very pretty!

  6. Jen Says:

    I love that little edging! Very pretty!

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