Thu Apr 19, 2007

If you go, tell me all about it

There’s this art event I want to go to, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to. It’s at Cannon Beach, and the artist I’ve started collecting is going to be there to unveil an originals show. It looks like there’s a whole lot of cool stuff going on that weekend. It’ll be awesome. Is anyone planning to go?

I did some organizing and cleaning in my room today, and I cleared off the bookshelf next to my side of the bed, and made it pretty.


Now I wish I had taken a “before” shot. There was a towering pile of books that extended above the view you have in the picture. And papers and garbage and dust and stuff. Now it’s pretty! And I get to see my Koigu.

I knit a few rows on the faroese shawl last night. I don’t know when in the world I’ll be able to finish it. I didn’t think it’d take this long. I was aiming for one week, hoping it didn’t take two. Two is almost gone, and here we are.

6 Responses to “If you go, tell me all about it”

  1. hayden Says:

    La, as someone who saw that bookshelf last night, before any cleaning was done, I can confirm that it looks 100 times better now.

    And pretty, preeettty yarn!

  2. susan Says:

    Ooh, I love your red glass bowl. How gorgeous!

  3. Stephanie Says:

    ohhhhh….look at that luscious koigu. Me loves the koigu. I can’t leave yarn out anywhere…not even in my room. Some how all my monkeys have a seek and destroy radar and when they see prety yarn…they go for it and pull it out to oblivion….heavy sigh……it sure looks pretty. The art show looks cool too! Too bad it’s so far away.

  4. Stacey Says:

    I won’t be at the art event, but I find Christensen Barney’s work appealing. I’ve been a fan of her father’s work for many, many years and I’m delighted to see his daughter is giving her charms to the art world as well.:)

  5. Meghan Says:

    I live an hour away from Cannon Beach…. hmm wish I could go. If I do I’ll let you know how it was. Love your Koigu!

  6. annie Says:

    i didn’t know that she is the daughter of james christensen! Wow that is so cool – and explains alot. I do like her work too. I have The Voyage of the Bassett in my built in bookshelf :0) Too bad you can’t get to the art showing. If I lived there I would go!

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