Sat Apr 28, 2007

Health Group- Year 3, week 45

Good morning. It’s been a very interesting week for me.

You all know I signed up with on Monday, so I’m 5 days into it. The program they have me on is a daily calorie target of 1690 calories a day, plus however many calories I burn in exercise. I’m supposed to exercise 150 minutes a week. They suggest 5, 30 minutes sessions. Once a week I record my weight and measurements.

There’s a place to record exercise, water, and food. They break it down into different nutritional elements. One day, although I was well within my recommended percentage of fat, a little tag popped up telling me that I’d had too much saturated fat. I was surprised and looked at what I’d eaten, and the breakdown they do as to what’s in it. It was the dairy. I’d had butter on bread a couple times for a snack, and a cup of 1% milk, and cheese. The butter was the main culprit, but all the saturated fat in the dairy added up.

It’s been fascinating to see how foods add up during the day, and what meals have what calories, and that I seem to eat higher calorie lunches and smaller dinners.

What’s been really weird is to see that I have to work at eating enough. I’ve heard of overweight people that hardly ate a thing, but I didn’t think I was one of them, probably because of the days when I eat a ton. But that’s not my norm. My metabolism must be totally screwed up. I know now that on a normal day, I don’t get enough calories, and then periodically, I’ll go nuts and eat a ton, mainly when desserts or snacks are available. So I’m guessing that my body hangs on to all of it.

The first two days I ate a lot of carbs. I noticed at the end of Monday that I was way shy of my recommended calories and carbs, so I made a huge bowl of pasta and still fell short by 331 calories. (The website of course didn’t believe that I hadn’t eaten enough, so it’s automatically generated comment the next day was to make sure I remembered to record all of my meals).

I was extremely tired in the afternoons on Monday and Tuesday, I assume from the jump in carbs and blood sugar levels, but since then, I’ve felt great. Another thing I’ve noticed is that I’m feeling hunger more. Considering I’m eating more, this wouldn’t make much sense except that I’ve already experienced something similar with water.

I used to live extremely dehydrated without even knowing it, years ago. (I haven’t been very good to my body, apparently). Once I realized, and started drinking water, I was suddenly thirsty ALL THE TIME. The more I drank, the more thirsty I felt. 16 glasses of water a day, and I’d go to bed thirsty. After awhile, it died down but I’d still feel thirsty a lot. If I ignore the thirst and don’t drink, after a little bit, the thirst goes away, too.

I’m experiencing the same thing with hunger this week, in that I feel it a lot more. I feel hungry when I wake up in the morning (this never, ever happens). I’m hungry halfway between breakfast and lunch, so I eat a little snack. I’m hungry at lunch. I’m hungry between lunch and dinner. Hungry at dinner, then I’m good for the night.

So I’m eating. More than I normally do. And I’m content. I’m not craving anything. I’m snacking on good things, watching my percentages on the website, recording everything….

It’s very labor intensive, and the first half of Monday, it was a total pain in the butt. But then it became fascinating, and now I feel like I’m learning a lot about my body and how to take care of it.

It feels weird being on a diet and eating pretty much whatever I want. The best part is that I’m not afraid of food. I don’t have to feel guilty for eating. As long as I keep track of it, I know where I am in my daily allotment. In the afternoon, I can look at my percentages and see what I should focus on for dinner (ie more carbs or more protein). It’s completely awesome.

So, I’ve lost 2.8 pounds since Monday.

And I’m eating more.

I had two soft bean burritos from Taco Time for lunch on Tuesday. How is this possible?

7 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 45”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    That is AWESOME!!!! I find it really interesting about the water thing. I too have had the same experience. The more I drink…the more thristy I become. Same with the food. I thought I was a little nuts….maybe not (unless you’re nuts too! LOL!) Keep up the good work!!!

  2. Pat Helgerson Says:

    Congratulations! Keep up the good work. (Yep, it is work to keep track of all the stuff.)

  3. Janell Toppen Says:

    Almost 3lbs! That’s great, Laura. I’m proud of you.

    Have you ever considered that maybe you have a sugar addiction? Sugar is very, very powerful and has all the hallmarks of addictive chemicals like nicotine and caffeine.

  4. Sue Says:

    Very good Laura. Great weight loss so far. I found that when I was trying to lose weight I tried a low GI diet, and had to eat snacks in between, and I lost a kilo a week, which also included walking for an hour a day too. I know that sugar puts on a lot of weight too. When I was pregnant I could not have sugar in the last month or so and lost a kilo a week then too. I try not to have too much sugar, but I cant help myself sometimes.

  5. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    That’s awesome – I’m so excited for you!

  6. carol gilchrist Says:

    alright, maybe I should buck up and try this calorie king. I tend to not eat much, then eat a ton at a time. Its not good I know, its just my lifestyle and the committment to change is just not fun for me. Anyway, I really do want to try to be better, and this looks like one I can do while breastfeeding. Thats more than anything else can say.

  7. Carrie Says:

    Calorie King sounds like a good idea. The geeky side of me that loves to keep track of stuff and watch progress is super intrigued. Good Work!
    I’m back down to the weight I was BEFORE vacation and weddings. It took me 2 weeks to lose 6 pounds to begin with, 1 week to gain 2 back and 2 weeks to lose the same last 2 pounds again! Anyway, I’m playing a bit with South Beach and seeing how I can still lose a pound or so a week without going crazy. It’s going well so far. I just got into some pants that I used to wear all the time when my husband and I met 7 years ago. They’ve been uncomfortably tight for many years, and now they fit better than they did way back then.
    Woo Hoo.

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