Tue May 8, 2007

Sunshine, knitting, and 200 cookies

Things are great this week. It’s warm and beautiful outside. Clark slept well last night. My back is all better. I was able to do a TON of housework yesterday.

After being on my feet all day, I sat and knit on my mother-in-law’s shawl last night and this morning, and am well into the edging. I can see the end! Very exciting.

Today I have to make sugar cookies for a church function tonight. We’ve had 70 women sign up, so there will be at least that many there. That’s a lot of cookies. And I’m on a diet. What was I thinking?


Nate and I have started doing day-dates. Since he works from home, he’s been able to schedule a couple hours a week to go out, and we save the money and hassle of finding a babysitter. Last week we went to Moorehaven, which is a fantastic spread of ponds, unique animals, gardens and such. It’s lovely. They sell fish, supplies, and foliage for ponds. There is one pond there with enormous fish in it. I don’t know if you can see it, but the black fish in the bottom of the picture has to be around 3 feet long.

I was emailing with one of the mom’s from Liv’s class last week, and she thanked me for the mitts I made her in October, and said that she wears them every day.

(If you recall, she has this weird medical condition where her body thinks it’s freezing to death at any temperature under 72 degrees, and routes all of her blood to her vital organs, leaving her appendages in the lurch. So basically, her fingers will die and need to be amputated if she doesn’t wear gloves all the time. That’s horrifying).

Considering it’s spring, I thought that she should have something to wear that’s a little brighter and cheerier than black Cashmerino, so I bought some green Koigu (lucky girl) to make her a pair of fingerless gloves.


Do you have any great pattern suggestions? I don’t have one in mind, so I’ll be winging it otherwise. Koigu is fingering weight.

5 Responses to “Sunshine, knitting, and 200 cookies”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    Koigu mitts…she is a lucky girl!! I dont’ have any pattern suggestions for you though. Also..did you know that WW is having a sale for Mother’s Day? I think it starts on Thurs. and goes through Sun. I’m going out there on Sunday and trying to score some good deals :o) (I think yarns are 20% off) I hope you are out there enjoying the sun!! We just came in and are going to go back out and play for awhile longer :o)

  2. Meghan Says:

    Oh Koigu!! Lucky lady! http://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer06/PATTfetching.html These are very easy and fly off the needles. Not sure how they would work with the Koigu (still new at all this 😛 )
    So I’ve been catching up on your entries for the last few weeks and am totally excited for you and your weight loss! I lost 45 lbs 2 years ago and have been trying for 2 years to get back and loose a bunch more. I’m curious about Health Group.., what’s it all about?
    Also wanted to chime in with love for the shawl. It’s beautiful!!

  3. Emy Says:

    That’s some lovely yarn!

  4. Diana Says:

    What about Knucks from Knitty? You can improvise on the cuff and it’s top down, so you have time to think about it…

  5. My Merino Mantra Says:

    I love the wrap from your later post. For the Koigu fingerless mitts, try:

    I’ve had all of these in my files, for someday…

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