Tue Jul 27, 2004

I NEED one!

Mom’s sweater is still coming along. Only a few more centimeters to go before starting armholes. This sweater and I have come to an understanding, and things are progressing smoothly.


Yesterday, out of the kindness of her heart, Crystal left this link in the comments in response to my distress at knitting a sweater for my mom who is very much smaller than me and a 7 hour drive away. I wanted to share it with you all because I think it is the coolest thing ever. What a great reference for fitting something to an exact body shape! Considering that I will never be a “normal” shape, regardless of my weight (due to an extremely large chest), having a life-size form of myself will be very handy. Now I just need to get my very busy mom in Oregon to do it and ship it up. Not likely.

So, would you like to see the object of my envy on the blogs nowadays?


When Nate first brought Rebecca #27 home for me (for those of you who are new, my Hubby brings home knitting books and mags on a regular basis. He rocks.), I really wanted that sweater (the one on the left). Now, seeing it realized on a few blogs, it is making me crazy with desire. I think it is SO beautiful. I’ve been on a lot of blogs recently and I can’t remember what’s where, so I am undoubtedly forgetting someone, and I apologize. Becky is knitting it, and Clara is knitting it. If anyone else is, please let me know. I’d love to see as many of them as possible. I guess I’m in to self torment, because this sweater will most certainly not fit me, and therefore, I can’t knit it. I take that back, if anyone wants to purchase the yarn (like people I’m related to, I’m not that weird) I’d happily knit it for you.

Also, please note, I was a code monkey yesterday and got my Health Group info in the side bar! Hooray for me! My sidebar is still boring and sparse, but I successfully changed it, and I’m very proud of my computer illiterate self.

9 Responses to “I NEED one!”

  1. (another) laura Says:

    I agree. I bought Rebecca #27 solely for that sweater. I am so glad to have some blogs now to see it in real-life WIP. Thanks for sharing. It’s on my list for later in the year; I’d join-in on a knit-along in a heartbeat. As a beginner, I’m going to need some moral support.

  2. Amy Says:

    It IS a gorgeous sweater. I want to knit it too, but don’t think I’m going to be able to anytime soon, considering how many other things I need to finish.

    Hooray for the code monkey!

  3. carolyn Says:

    hi laura. silvia made that sweater, here’s a link http://redsilvia.typepad.com/photos/you_made_what/closeshot.html

    note she says there are some errata posted.

  4. Jessica Says:

    Oh, I want that sweater too. Becky’s has really been making me want it again.
    And to make a body double too. I bookmarked that page ages ago but I haven’t had the nerve to ask DH to wrap me up in packing tape. Maybe when the weather gets cooler…

  5. Thuy Says:

    that sweater looks lovely. if i could afford yarn right now, i would let you knit it for me. 🙂 but i found this german site that has really good prices on the java for those who want to knit it. http://www.rikes-wollmaus.de looks like shipping might even be free? i am not sure about that. but for only 3.5 Euros for Java, it might be worth it.

  6. Laura Says:

    Thanks everyone. Carolyn, I hadn’t seen Silvia’s yet. Amy, for the code praise. As for the german site, it isn’t going to do ME much good, not speaking a lick of german (although I have some friends that do….hmmm) but hopefully it’ll help someone else out.

  7. jody Says:

    i’m with you on your feelings about that cardi. i still have probably another 30 to lose to hit my goal. to be honest, i’m not sure if the cardi would look good on us regardless of weight given our bustiness. the lines would go right across our chest. having said that though i have considered using that sleeve treatment in a different design.

  8. lori Says:

    Hi – I am currently knitting that cardigan. I’ve finished the body pieces, blocked them and even sewn them together. Now I’ve just got to knit the sleeves. I plan on posting a progress picture tomorrow (fri).

  9. Laura Says:

    Jody- I don’t know, it seems that the bustiness could help the illusion that cardi creates with the wrap-back ribbing. Since the stockinette doesn’t seem to be the appointed “section” for such attributes, it might work. There are a couple cute pin-up sweaters I like, but with out serious alterations, they wouldn’t work at all for that same reason. Oh well.

    Lori- Thanks for letting me know. I will enjoy watching you complete it! :-).

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