Sat May 19, 2007

Health Group- Year 3, week 48

Still plugging along. I wish it was going faster, but at least I’m still going down.

I’m down 1 pound this week.

1/2 inch in my chest.

1/2 inch in my waist.

1/2 inch in my hips.

1/4 inch in my thigh.

More than that, I feel thinner. (So why am I still fitting into my clothes)? It’s slowing down, so I worry a bit about next week’s check in. But I’ve been thinking about what I can do to help, and I have some ideas.

My water consumption, while still adequate, is half of what it was the first couple of weeks. If I step it back up, maybe that will help.

I should be eating more vegetables, and I could eat a bit less protein, according to Calorie King’s recommended percentages.

This is where I’m at


The recommended percentages are

Fat, 20-30%

Carbs, 40-60%

Protein, 15-20%

So I’m a bit off. Not much. It’s been great eating carbs again. The first two days, I felt really tired in the afternoon, and I was worried about the blood sugar crash associated with eating carbs. But since then,

I’ve. felt. great.

Really great. So while the progress is a little slow, the process still isn’t difficult. I’d say it’s even enjoyable because of the complete lack of guilt and worry. My brother took me to lunch at an italian cafe yesterday for my upcoming birthday. I had the eggplant penne, and snitched some of his linguini with manilla clams. We ate the warm focaccia. It came with a fabulous cesaer salad.

I came home, input it to the best of my ability into my online calorie diary (pretending it was Olive Garden, because those meals are in the system), went a little light on dinner, and I was fine for the day. The calories, the percentages, everything. And as it usually turns out, if I eat a high calorie meal, I’m not usually that hungry for the next meal, so eating a little less isn’t a problem.

I’m meeting my exercise goal of 150 minutes per week and my calorie target every day. Even through last weekend which I was concerned about. Flying colors. This rocks.

How was your week?

3 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 48”

  1. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    That’s so great! Don’t worry about the slow down – I lost about 5 lbs per week the first couple of weeks I started dieting, and it’s been about .5 to 1.5 lbs per week ever since. Slowly but surely it is coming off… and well, I reached 25 lbs lost this week. 🙂 I really need to start exercising again though. You’re certainly doing well with that – but you’ve always been good about getting that in. I fell off the wagon when we were all getting sick – why is it so hard to start up again?

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Great job!! And I have to agree with Katie. I have always lost a ton the first few weeks and then tappered off. Also it depends on the time of the month. There are 2 weeks of the month that I simply cannot lose more than a smidge. Hormones, water retention all that. I’m back on shakes and protein this week since I went up last week. It was only.4 but still worried me that I was slipping. So detoxing and having a head cold is *not* fun. I don’t recommend it…but the weight is coming off again. My usual weigh in is Tuesday but have been hoping on the scale everyday ( I can’t help myself LOL) And this morning I was down to 73 lbs lost. So we’ll see how it is on Tuesday! But keep up the great work! Especially since the inches are coming off too! Woo woo!

  3. Barbara Says:

    Hi! great going with the plan. If you cut your percentage of fat, you’ll cut more calories too…fat @ 9 Kcal/gm and carb/protein @ 4. The dietitian I work with figures that another thing that helps with sustained wt loss is mixing things up…for example, use one plan for a few months and then try something else–diet rotation if you will. I am starting Nutri-system this week. I’m planning to do that for several months, then go back to weight watchers for a few months then maybe something like calorie king, then back to the wt loss doc for a few months….etc etc. It helps me (at least now) to think about doing something for several months and then doing something else–not waiting for boredom and frustration to set in before trashing the whole thing and giving up. Anyway, great going!

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