Sat Jul 31, 2004

Health Group- week 8

Wow, two months of Health Group so far. And we still don’t have a cool name made official. I’ll pose the question again, since there are probably more people stopping by now than back then…. How ’bout a name? Who likes “Health Group”? We’ve had one suggestion by Jenny which was “Knit and be Fit”, or some variation on that. Bring on the suggestions. Is it obvious I’m stalling? OK, here goes….

Monday, I did weights and physical therapy.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I did, well, nothin’. That’s not actually true, I did a whole lot of very important things. Seriously, and I’m not even being sarcastic this time. Tues and Wed were one thing after another, after another, after another…..etc. It wore me out. Thursday, if you recall, was full of spiders and pasta. Moving on.

Friday, I did weights and physical therapy again.

No aerobics this whole week. I miss it. I feel really, really good when I exercise. I wish I had some means of aerobic activity I could do regardless of weather and kids. What I really want is an elliptical. A good one. Like, one of these, for example. They are very cool. I have spent time on one in a fitness shop. If only….

So, food. I’ve actually done really darn good this week. I’ve eaten many, many fruits & veggies, lots of whole grains, and not much of anything else. I don’t know if it is the heat or what, but I’ve been content with less food. Less snacks, less grazing, less cravings. It’s been really nice.

Your turn. Who’s doing what? And where did Angie in TX go? Is she on vacation? I miss her.

UPDATE- in the last month, I’ve dropped 4 pounds, 1/4 inch in my upper arm, 1 inch in my waist, 1 inch in my hips, and 1/2 inch in my thigh. Cool. I’m going to go for a walk now.

6 Responses to “Health Group- week 8”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Hi Laura! After getting started walking for 35 minutes on Sunday, and getting all psyched up for the next day, wouldn’t you know it rained on Monday! Tuesday was good though, and we (my husband and I) walked briskly for 55 minutes. Wednesday we walked 50 minutes, but by Thursday, we only made it to 30 minutes. All week my legs hurt and I had trouble sleeping!! Yesterday, we took the day off, I figured my legs deserved a rest. I, at least, plan on walking tonight, whether my husband comes along or not. It does feel so good afterward. The scales say I lost 5 pounds this week, but I’ll believe it if it stays off a couple of weeks!! I have some foot issues, that are coming to light with all this walking, so I may have to make a trip to the podiatrist, to make walking more comfortable. That has been a problem before with exercising. I keep hoping that if I lose enough weight, my feet won’t bother me so much. Wow, I can’t believe this is the eighth week of your health blog already!! Took me a while to get motivated, haha!

  2. Laura Says:

    Wow! Good for you! If it helps at all, I can empathize with you and your pain. I have a bad ankle, and walking fast for sustained periods of time is painful. I feel for you. I’ve been working on stretches and such to help my problem. I have made progress, but it has been very slow. Like, 3 1/2 years of trying to get my ankle right, and I’m still working with it. It has improved some.

    I ended up getting my walk in today, and am hoping to do weights still.

    I’m glad you’re motivated and trying. The 5 pounds is exciting, whether or not it stays off, it had to be fun to see!

  3. Lisbeth Says:

    Um, I haven’t been a part of the Health group, but I’m assuming everyone involved is a knitter? And the reason everyone is participating is to be more fit and generally healthy? Okay, then, if the above are true, then how about calling yourselves “Fitter Knitters”?

    And super big congrats on those discarded inches!!

  4. Laura Says:

    I like it, very nice. And yes, you got the gist of what Health Group is. If you click on the link in the sidebar, you will see the first Health Group post, which explains it a little better. Thanks!

  5. FYRKRKR Says:

    Stitchin’ Fit
    (Stitch & Fit)
    (Stitch ‘n Fit)
    Purlin’ Pounds
    (Purlin’ Pounds Off)
    I’m at the office, but I’ll come up with more later. Sorry guys. I’m really good (bad) at the name game. Lucky for my non-children I don’t have any, so only my dogs & fish get to suffer.

    JENNY: ssstttrrreeetttccchhh!!!! It is ooooh so vital! Tip for the feet from a fellow sufferer. 1. fold a small blanket or large towel into a 2×2 square and kneeling (ow, I know!) put your feet on the blanket and slowly sit back until your feet are taking some of your weight. move your feet farther onto and off of the blanket. It is a great foot stretch. If it is tough on the knees, put a pillow between your tush and calves.
    2. If they recommend that you buy those arch support things, you can get good ones at REI; I paid a ton for mine at “The Good Feet Store” and never wear them unless I’m having trouble.

    I haven’t made much progress this past week personally, but Monday I did and I hope to start a regular workout schedule this coming week. For a while now, I have had a little saying taped onto my computer here at the office that says:

    A year from now you may wish you had started today.

    Isn’t that the truth! My hat’s off to those of you ACHIEVING!!! Go girls!

  6. Laura Says:

    OK, I am totally diggin’ on the “Stitch ‘n Fit”. I’ll run that by the hubby. That’s hilarious. The foot stretching might help a couple of my friends. I’ll pass it on to Julie and Ros. Thanks Gayle!

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