Mon Jun 11, 2007

No way!

Ok, I know I already posted today, but something incredibly cool just happened, and I want to dance and sing.

I just got dressed (pathetic, I know) and pulled a pair of jeans and a t-shirt out of the pile of clean laundry on my bed. I put them on and noticed as I was walking out of my room that they were extremely loose. Like, 2nd day wearing kind of loose.

I didn’t have time to investigate, as I had to get Veronica to school, but when I came home, I sniffed the laundry to make sure it was in fact a clean load. I continued smelling the clothes, unable to believe that a freshly washed and dried pair of jeans could feel like this on my body, until I came to one of Clark’s shirts. Ah, this will be the absolute, undisputed evidence of clean vs. dirty.

It was clean. Completely clean.

HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE!! My jeans, which were legitimately getting looser, have still been snug for the first few minutes of wear after a washing.

Not today, Zurg!

So I’m shaking my cosmic thing today. Nothin’ like a little success to boost motivation, eh?

9 Responses to “No way!”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    Total happy happy dance!!! That’s awesome! I have a few pair of jeans that I am going to have to retire soon because even out of the laundry they are FALLING OFF!!!!!!! It’s a great feeling isn’t it? I have several other pairs that haven’t fit me in years. They are just a little snug still so I’m at an in between point….which is fine with me! I’ll have a whole new (old) wardrobe to wear soon! I can totally relate. Happy dancing all the way around! I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow! WOOT!

  2. Janell Says:

    Hooray for you! That is awesome!

  3. Danielle M Says:


  4. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:


  5. Marie Says:

    Yeah! I am doing the happy dance for you too! Don’t you just love that feeling!!! Hooray!

  6. Jan Says:

    Shake it! You worked hard for this moment!!!

  7. hayden Says:


  8. Romi Says:

    Wooohoooooo! Congrats! 🙂

  9. Judith in NYC Says:

    Congratulations!!!! Don’t judge me for sharing this story, please. Tonight after dinner I felt very uncomfortable and though my panties were too tight. Turns out I was not wearing any. Turns out my own skin is too tight. Better join your health club.

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