Monday, July 18th, 2005

The Ground Rules (or, Taking Drastic Measures to Protect my Sanity)

A note to my girls:

1. There will be no playing “dress-ups” for 2 weeks. This is because, inevitably, the current outfit is thrown on the floor. The dress-up clothes are worn (this is all inclusive. No one is content with only 1 dress-up outfit), the game of dress-ups ends, and a new, clean set of clothes are removed from the closet and put on. And this is repeated several times a day.

2. I don’t care WHAT you do to your clothes, how DIRTY they get, or HOW MUCH the activities of the day change, there will only be ONE fresh outfit worn, per day, for the next 2 weeks. The ONLY exception to this will be swimsuits, and this is limited to activities where getting wet is inevitable. If this privilege is abused, it will be revoked. Caution is advised in considering pushing me on this, it is very hot this week, and you will lose.

3. I am deadly serious. And while we’re at it, please immediately and permanently stop the incessant whining. Please.


Monday, July 18th, 2005


I keep sitting down to post, and each time I do I get distracted by an email, or something on Google News and then I finish up with that and forget all about posting. Seriously, it’s happened all day so far.

Nate finished reading the Half Blood Prince to me last night at about 1am. So we slept in this morning. I didn’t do any knitting. So I guess it must be that my WIP’s are boring me. When book 5 came out, I spent the whole time knitting my red Feather and Fan shawl, and really enjoyed that. (I don’t think I could have survived Umbridge if I didn’t have something else to do. She was horrible). The funny thing is that yesterday afternoon, Veronica went and got her Kimono and put it in my lap, saying, “Mom, can you work on this now?” It was hilarious. Even then I could only knit one row.

Today is a gorgeous day. Maybe that’s it? Maybe it’s the fab weather and the summer vacation that’s throwing me off?

Now I’m going to change and get my exercise in. I have yet more laundry to do. I spent the whole of last week on laundry, and never got completely caught up. Today is the “official” laundry day, so I’m hoping that if I stay on course today, I won’t have to think about laundry again until next week.

UPDATE– Oh, sorry, book 6 is completely cool. Loved it!