Friday, October 26th, 2007

50s day

It’s 50s day at school today. Tonight, they’re having a Halloween sock hop. A few weeks ago, Veronica’s teacher held an after school workshop to show us how to make poodle skirts. I made one for Liv, Veronica, and two of Liv’s friends. Abby didn’t want one.


Well, now Abby wants one, and I kind of do, too. Though I’ll probably look like an elephant. It’ll be fun.

So once the fabric store opens, I’m off buy some felt!

I’ve been working on Abby’s legwarmers, out of the tweedy handspun I made for her this summer.


The first try, they were stiff and rough, so I ripped it out, downed the stitch count, and used a larger needle size. Now they’re really nice. I love the tweedy yarn. I totally want to blend my romney with tweedy bits for my sweater.