Sunday, July 11th, 2010

“Are you a fan of delicious flavor?”


We recently started watching Psych. It’s incredibly funny. Nate bought the first 3 seasons on DVD for $8 each at Half Price Books and while it started out as a late-night-after-the-kids-are-asleep-watching-the-laptop-in-bed activity, the kids are totally in on it now, and they love it.

We laugh.


Anyway, the title of this post is a quote from Psych. However, the reason I chose that particular quote is because we have made the discovery of a lifetime.

Or, of the summer at least.

Homemade malt ice cream.

After several holidays of Nate suggesting he buy me an ice cream maker, (to which I repeatedly declined), I caught on and bought him one for Father’s Day. Ours is red.

He’s made strawberry ice cream. He’s made mango peach ice cream. And last night, we made malt ice cream.

Pure heaven. It was pretty darned good last night, but I’ve never tasted anything as delicious as the flavor explosion of homemade malt ice cream the day after.

Because I love you, I’m going to share this very simple recipe that my delightful husband came up with all on his own. (I honestly haven’t Googled malt ice cream yet. Maybe this is something incredibly common that everyone but us knew about. If it is, well, then there’s just that much more joy in the world).

So, here it is. Enjoy, and then tell me how much you love it.

With a hand mixer, mix together-

-1 cup whole milk
-1/2 cup sugar
-4 Tbsp Ovaltine (the chocolate MALT kind)
-1 tsp vanilla

then add

-2 cups heavy whipping cream
-4 (more) Tbsp Ovaltine

and mix ’til well blended (a minute or so) before pouring into your ice cream maker. (Follow maker instructions. We store our clean bowl in the freezer so it’s ready to go when the desire strikes).

In the last 5 minutes of churning, add a very large handful of Whoppers, chopped. And as I mentioned earlier, if you can, freeze it overnight and eat it the next day. It’s kind of like soft serve right out of the ice cream maker, but fully frozen the texture is fantastic.
