Mon Aug 9, 2004

Quick post

Remember Olivia’s socks? Well, here’s a reminder….


They were knit with Dale of Norway because my LYS didn’t have any respectable sock yarn. I was skeptical as to how they’d hold up. They are Olivia’s favorite socks and she usually sneaks 2 to 4 wearings between washings, despite my protesting for sanitation’s sake. So, I’m washing them yesterday, and I give them a good look over, and they are holding up beautifully! They have fuzzed a little bit, (which they did right away, hence my concern in the first place), but that is all. They look really nice. I must say I’m surprised because the socks I knit for my sister using legitimate sock yarn (Regia self striping) were looking pretty worn before she even took them home. (I wore them a couple times before she came into town. They were my first socks, I couldn’t help it.) Hooray for Dale of Norway! I have most of four skeins left, maybe I’ll make myself a pair.

4 Responses to “Quick post”

  1. Jessica Says:

    Super cute socks. Which yarn was it?

  2. Laura Says:

    Hmm, I was wondering if I’d be asked that. Let me go and try to hunt down a label.

  3. Laura Says:

    OK, I don’t have the labels anymore because they fell off almost immediately, and I kept them for awhile until one day when I was pitching papers and was tired of shuffling them around, so out they went. BUT, I called the LYS and she said it was Baby Ull. She knows me very well, I’ve spent a fortune there.

  4. alison Says:

    Love the socks! What a great idea to use the DoN yarn. I’ve got lots of Baby Ull left over from the bug sweaters I made for my boys. I may have to make them (or me?) some stripey socks! Thanks for following up with the news on how well they’re holding up.

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